It should be obvious to all who know much about Ellen G. White's visions and prophecies that her "Inspiration" was progressive -- that she did not know earlier in her career what she was "shown" in later visions and dreams.

      Assuming that Jesus and His angels gave her all of these "messages", then he chose to withhold some of the information until it was needed. 

     In many cases Ellen White herself never even came close to understanding what it was that she had predicted.  And Seventh-day Adventists, through those who took control of her writings, and who wished to protect their power (a virtual monopoly) and their guaranteed source of "perpetual" income, saw to it that another "Elijah" would never arise to at all take her place!

      Well, guess what, Jesus is not so easily defeated in his purposes!  I'm here! And although the SDA Church may NEVER recognize it, I have now, after 26 years of open-minded learning found nearly all of these hidden meanings!  Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! 


    On page 773 of "Index to the Writings of E. G. White"...Vol. 1...A-F ...Pacific Press Publishing Assoc. Prepared Under the Direction of the Board of Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate  I can read the following items (14) under the title:


   ... copies of, to be scattered in different parts of the land EW 282-3 (SR 406)

   ... deliverance of God's people from, at midnight EW 285; GC 636

   ... execution of, planned for one night GC 635

   ... highest earthly authority will issue 5 T 213 (2 TT 67-8)

   ... leading men of earth will issue EW 282-3 (SR 406-7)

   ... rulers of Christendom will issue GC 626

   ... Sabbathkeepers will be condemned by DA 121-2; EW 34, 272; GC 615, 631; PK 189 (ChS 165; Ev 707; SD 363)

   ... similar to that of Ahasuerus against Jews PK 605-6; 5T 450 (2TT 149)

   ... time of, after close of probation EW 36-7; LS 116-7

   ... ... after seven last plagues begin to fall EW 36-7; LS 117

   ... ... shortly before second advent GC 635; 3 SG 132; SR 97

   ... united powers of earth will issue GC 604

   ... universal, and against Sabbathkeepers GC 626, 635; PK 512

   ... ... to disregard Sabbath and keep Sunday EW 282-3 (SR 406); 1T 353-4 (1TT 131)

   (Those of my readers who own one or all of Ellen G. White's published books (or the 75,000 page CD) may look up these quotations, but I deem this too time-consuming for the average Internet browser, so will interpret for the rest of this page from this summary only --- those who really care about "authority" to do so, will probably trust the "Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate" to have described the meaning of the passage accurately (as seen by most Adventists).

    Abbreviations of book titles: EW "Early Writings" SR "The Story of Redemption" GC "Great Controversy" 5T "Testimonies, Vol 5" 2TT "Testimony Treasures, Vol 2" DA "Desire of Ages" PK "Prophets and Kings" ChS "Christian Service" Ev "Evangelism" SD "Sons and Daughters of God" LS "Life Sketches of Ellen G. White" 3SG "Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3" SR "The Story of Redemption" 1TT "Testimony Treasures, Vol. 1"   

    I count here 13 of Ellen G. White's books that mention the "Death Decree" so I don't expect to run into anyone who will try to tell me that she did not teach and write about it, like those who struggle mightily nowadays to make her a Trinitarian.   

   Interpretations by R. Holt, md, mph (LLU 1971)

     DEATH DECREE ... copies of, to be scattered in different parts of the land EW 282-3 (SR 406)

    This latest version of the DEATH DECREE, the NEWS of the "Super Flu", the "Engineered Avian Virus" has not only as I write this, been featured on the Evening NEWS on December 15 and 20, 2011, but is on multiple sites on the Internet, and featured on a page in the Jan. 4 SUN Tabloid.

    DEATH DECREE ...  execution of, planned for one night GC 635

     This "execution" of this latest version of the DEATH DECREE  twill be when the live virus of "human engineered H5N1 virus"  actually gets out into the public, either by accident or planned release.  It may be as simple as one of the Erasmus medical center's employees have an unseen pin-hole or small tear in a surgical glove, or a malfunction of some filtration system or supposedly controlled vent.  Whatever and whenever its likely it will occur on one night.  

    DEATH DECREE ...  highest earthly authority will issue 5 T 213 (2 TT 67-8)

     This present perception is that "Science" is the highest earthly authority and through the NIH (US National Institutes of Health) issued this DEATH DECREE  tby ordering the research that produced the "human-engineered H5N1 flu virus" and paying for this research."

    DEATH DECREE ...  leading men of earth will issue EW 282-3 (SR 406-7)  

   Same as above with leading men of earth substituted for the highest earthly authority'

    DEATH DECREE ... ... rulers of Christendom will issue GC 626

     Same as above with rulers of Christendom substituted for the highest earthly authority.  This limits the prophecy to the Christian Western World.  In this case the Netherlands, and one University Hospital in the United States.

    DEATH DECREE ...  Sabbathkeepers will be condemned by DA 121-2; EW 34, 272; GC 615, 631; PK 189 (ChS 165; Ev 707; SD 363)

    This depends on a knowledge of the Essenes and their prophecy, the Essene Millennial Week Prophecy for proper interpretation.  Since everyone on earth is now living in that portion of the millennial week designated as the "seventh day" (yr 2000 +) the millennial "day of rest" then everyone is "keeping" (living in) the Millennial Sabbath.  (And will be even more so with 60% of the world's population DEAD and a major Economic Collapse.

    DEATH DECREE ...  similar to that of Ahasuerus against Jews PK 605-6; 5T 450 (2TT 149)

    This implies that each of us will be able to fight this DEATH DECREE any way we may be able to do so, -- as the Jews in the Ahasuerus story in the Biblical book of Esther were able to "fight for their lives" not just lie there and die. Note that they could not and did not expect for God or Jesus to come nd get them and carry them off into the clouds, publicly or secretly!

     DEATH DECREE ...  time of, after close of probation EW 36-7; LS 116-7 

     My interpretation of the close of probation for Seventh-day Adventists occurred on May 14, 15 -1948 when Israel became a Nation once more.  Israel had to live or die, (as always) depending on their works not their faith.  Indeed, they were plunged into war immediately, and have been intermittently at war ever since.  Had they relied on faith instead, they might all be dead.  In a way, Jews have always been under a DEATH DECREE but choose to fight it, any way they can -- as we all must do now with this latest threat to our survival.  Probation has again closed as of about November, 2011.

    DEATH DECREE ... after seven last plagues begin to fall EW 36-7; LS 117

     If you're waiting for these plagues to fall (Revelation 15-16) you're about 2000 years late.  My studies confirmed by many visits to the Dead Sea Area show that this account is a paraphrase or parable of the experience of about 1000 Essenes and Zealots at Masada between 70 and 73 AD.   Jesus, by the way, was there also, which is how the story got into Revelation. 

    DEATH DECREE ... shortly before second advent GC 635; 3 SG 132; SR 97

     If you call every return or coming of Jesus Christ after about a week after his crucifixion and resurrection a second advent, then their have been innumerable second advents, some identifiable, and many more not identifiable.  Enough on this subject for one small citation.  Not at all helpful in a predictive fashion.

     DEATH DECREE ... united powers of earth will issue GC 604

     Same explanation as highest earthly authority but may infer that the United Nations signed off on the authority to engineer this new H5N1 virus. We'll see.  I'll bet they blame it all on some functionary in the US.

    DEATH DECREE... universal, and against Sabbathkeepers GC 626, 635; PK 512

     Same explanation as the previous "Sabbath-keeper" explanation.  We're all "Sabbath-keepers" after the year 2000 AD.   This "death virus" will catch like a cold, or like the ordinary Flu, from person-to-person until the whole world (universally) will be affected.

     DEATH disregard Sabbath and keep Sunday EW 282-3 (SR 406); 1T 353-4 (1TT 131)

      Since Millennial Sunday will not occur until 3001 AD, according to the Essene Millennial Week Prophecy none of us now living are likely to be here when it begins.   But to get even a chance to live one or several more years, we'll need to get up and get going on a number of projects designed for survival based on our own works, not on faith in yet another Second Coming of Christ."


Page 1: The Wise will UNDERSTAND Daniel 12:10!

Page 2: What the "Wicked" do not UNDERSTAND!

Page 3: Pastor Charles Wheeling's "Holy Grail"

Page 4: "Time of Trouble" NOT a "Second Coming"

 Page 5: "The Angel of Death" and "The Birds."

Page 6: "Like reading it in the NEWSPAPER headlines!

NEXT: Page 7: "CONTAGION" the Final Pestilence!