In another series on the self-discovery of Jesus as a child and youth, I explored several versions of his early years.  On this page I'll talk about his old age as "Yuzu Asaph" and the legacy of his tomb in Kashmir.  A famous tomb called the "Rozabal Tomb."

Dr. Robert F. Holt, md, mph



      On previous pages I have discussed some ideas popular in the early Middle Ages in which Jesus was a "Divine Child" born to a virgin mother in a burst of light who had no birth pains and was still a virgin after this amazing birth.  Christ as an all knowing God (part of a Divine Trinity) merely reformed himself to look like a human baby for a while.

      In other such stories, the Divine Child Jesus had the power to make birds out of clay, then clap his hands, and they'd fly away.  But when other children crossed him, or upset him, he killed these children, then reconsidered and brought them back to life so that his supposed family could live in the community without persecution because of the monster child in their family.

      In Desire of Ages, a late 19th century book about the "Perfect Jesus," the only person on earth who never sinned by thought or deed, his major problem as a child was his older "brothers" (who were not really his brothers) who tempted him continuously.  In Norman Bull's Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the carpenter had no problem with his brothers, who were younger than he, teaching them the carpenter trade so he could leave home to "save the world".

       Then we looked closely at the Gospel of John and discovered evidence in John's apparent lack of knowledge about how far it was from where John the Baptist was baptizing near Jericho to Nazareth and Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee, and accepted Norman Bull's suggestion that John the Baptist was an Essene.  John baptized Jesus as an Essene also, but suggested he was to be a celibate "Lamb of God" and never marry.   But Jesus was in the Essene "Cana" three days later getting betrothed to Mary Magdalene by a famous leader of first-century Gnostics.  However, all this occurred after those "Silent Years" from 13 years old to 30 years old.  If Jesus was not, as Norman Bull presumes, with the help of two questions in the gospels, engaged in the carpenter business, and not, as John the Baptist suggests on two occasions, training to be a life-long celibate monk at the Qumran monastery, then where else could he have been?   The answer to this question given in quite a number of quotations in Near East sources is "traveling through the world".   Looking for the answers to life's big questions from a lot of religious teachers other than YHWH, the Torah, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.   According to these sources, Jesus started out at 13 years old to become the "King of Travelers".

       Starting out at age 13 to travel to India, and discover for himself the answers to life's big questions, Jesus, according to the researcher Fida Hassnain, first lived with the Jains for a period of time and assimilated a lot of what they taught about  purification of the soul by  leading a pure life, through non-violence, noble actions and thoughts, kindness to all beings, and a vegetarian diet.  But he didn't stay long, and moved on to the giant temple complex at Jagannath, and then to the Ganges river and Varanasi, where he stayed for six years, absorbing the history in the Vedas, and whatever good teachings the Hindus had to offer.  Disagreeing with the Brahmans on caste distinctions, Jesus moved on to Kapilavastu in Nepal and Hemis in Tibet, and found more he could agree with in the Buddhist teachings of the monks of Nepal and Tibet.   Then he took the long road back to Judea, where he studied for several years at the Qumran monastery.  But the new high priest Caiaphas considered Jesus to be illegitimate and in 23 AD the new pope at Qumran John the Baptist agreed with Caiaphas.  When James the clearly legitimate younger brother of Jesus was old enough, he, not Jesus would be the "David Messiah" of the Essenes.

        Jesus had known for a number of years that he had an alternative. His father was Sandhimati the King of Kashmir.   So when Sandhimati was crucified by the Romans in Jerusalem, and rescued and his wounds repaired by Lord Shiva, Sandhimati resumed his reign.  But the crucifixion had left the king brain-damaged, and the people allowed him to retire.   Secretly he had arranged for his son Jesus to replace him.  At the time Jesus was living in Taxila under the name Prince Meghavahana.  

       Kings of Kashmira, page 36 "After the resignation and retirement of the late king, the ministers who presided over the council of the people, went to Gandhara, and brought with them the renowned Meghavahana, whom they crowned king; and who afterwards proved to be a good and kinbd-hearted sovereign; and the expectations that were entertained of him were fully realized.  His tenderness for animal life was even greater than that of a Buddhist high priest."

Stone Obelisk of King Meghavahana found by

Suzanna Olsson in Phalgam, Srinagar, Kashmir

       Jesus never gave up on his birthright of becoming an Essene "Messiah of David", however, and using the Vimana of Lord Shiva, pictured above (inverted V shape) over his head and throne, commuted to Judea as his father had before him.  He managed to maintain both positions, King of Kashmir and Essene Messiah for 3 1/2 years, then was crucified by the Romans as his father had been before him.  In Jesus' case, Lord Shiva intervened before there was any brain damage, and whisked Jesus off in his Vimana for repairs.   Utilizing TIME/TRAVEL Lord Shiva returned Jesus to Qumran the next day, Sunday, at which time Jesus walked uphill through the desert to Jerusalem, where he was seen at the Essene gate early Monday morning.   Jesus continued to make TIME/TRAVEL trips with Lord Shiva all throughout his reign as Meghavahana, king of Kashmir. In 59 AD, Jesus, now 66 years old, faked sickness and an early death to gain another reign as Pravarasena I (supposedly an unknown son of Meghavahana).

       Suzanna Olsson, while looking through some Buddhist paintings in the Ajanta caves in central India, identified two of the pictures as being Jesus seated next to a blonde queen with two teenage boys.  These boys are identified in Kings of Kashmira on page 38 as Hiranya and Toramana.

      In the second of the two pictures, the boys and their mother are older, Hiranya on your left is wearing a crown, and Jesus now wearing a hat not a crown  has a dark-skinned young girl who he is striking up an intimate pose with.  In Muslim local traditions, this would be Margham of Phalgam, the young wife of his old age.  Judging from the apparent age of his sons, Jesus may have been in his 80s or 90s when this picture was painted.  He  retired in 89 AD at the age of 96 so he might have been about 100 instead. The local tradition is that he had children with the dark-skinned Margham also at that advanced age.

     He appears to be holding a sword also in this later picture.  In Muslim traditions it was a wooden sword with jeweled decorations, and was available to be seen at the Rozabal Tomb until it disappeared under the present Muslim caretakers of that tomb.  An interesting feature of this picture is that the artist has painted Jesus with two left hands, one  apparently fondling the knee of the dark-skinned young maiden. 

     Here I must make it clear that no one I know of but myself is promoting the history of Jesus Christ that you have read above.   Even Suzanna Olsson to whom I am indebted for four of the pictures I have used on my web sites, doubts that Jesus reigned as Prince Meghanahana, both before, and after his Messiah ministry in Judea. 

        The picture of the sculpture found in Taxila that most think is a sculpture of the apostle Thomas, and have no explanation for who his companion. This sculpture is of Jesus as Prince Meghavahana also.   Suzanna sees the large picture as Jesus but assumes the smaller is of one of his sons. 

However, there are quite a number of features on this smaller picture of Jesus' (or if you prefer, Thomas') companion that show it to be an adult female, not a male child.   The lack of a beard could indicate either a female or a beardless male, but the hair style and possibly head-dress are decidedly those of a woman. The wide collar also suggests female clothing, especially so in contrast with the bearded male figure, who has no collar at all.  The flowing robes or dress also contrasts with the armor or jacket of the male figure.   That this garment extends to the ankles or feet suggests modesty or perhaps even royalty.  The typical tunic on Jesus or Thomas barely reaches below the knees, because males must ride horses and walk long distances.

     For all these reasons, and more besides, I clearly see this as a picture of Amritaprabha, Jesus' bride, the princess of Taxila, and I assume her father the king paid for this sculpture.

     Suzanna Olsson also sent me the picture of the obelisk she photographed in Phalgam behind the Shiva linga.   Sue doesn't like Shiva lingas, so has never admitted to me up to this point in time that this figure on the obelisk is of Meghavahana, also promoted by me since around 2001 as the "Son of Shiva".

       Sue and I are in agreement that the first of the Buddhist paintings from the Ajanta caves is of Pravarasena I, but she has failed to note the lack of a crown in the second painting and the extreme age of the central figure mark it as the retired king, now going by the name Yuzu Asaph, "the prophet from Israel".   Without the clear knowledge of Jesus' two reigns, not just one, a King of Kashmir, we are missing at least 30 years of his life history, and failing to note the major period during which many or most of his TIME/SPACE travels occurred.    However none of this is important to Muslims, who are loathe to see Jesus as more than a prophet.  The prophet Muhammed is the highest-ranking individual who has ever lived in Islam, because he followed Jesus (Saint Issa) by 600 years, and therefore gave them more recent, and therefore better, information about God and what they should be doing for God (Allah)..

       Whoever drew, painted, or pasted up this picture, possibly from other pictures available to them has used a pose for Jesus here with a lamb on his lap that is quite similar to his pose on a stone obelisk my friend and frequent correspondent Suzanna Olsson found in Phalgam, a suburb of Srinagar, Kashmir.   I am as certain that what Sue found is a picture of Jesus Christ as most would be that Jesus Christ is represented above as sitting on the grass with Lord Kristna.  The cross on the arm of the throne Jesus is sitting on in Kashmir makes the identity of Jesus even clearer than it would be otherwise.

Yuza Asaph

  Quoting now from Dr. Fida Hassnain's book shown below, here is how this distinguished researcher become convinced that the person Muslims have always known as Hazrat Issa [Saint Issa] was known throughout Persia and in Kashmir as Yuza Asaph or Yusu Asaph.

      "In Aramaic, Jesus was Jesu, and in the Urdu language, he was called Yuzu.  In the Persian language he is called Yuzu, while in Arabic, he is Issa."

      "In Kashmir, Jesus was known as Yuzu, which derives from the Aramaic Jesu, as does Yusu in Urdu.  It also derives from the original name of Jesus, Joshua.  It is a strange coincidence that Yuzu Asaph is a Hebrew name, Yuzu standing for Jesu  and Asaph  standing for 'gatherer' -- or this may have some connection with the Asaph who composed several Psalms in the Old Testament.   How Jesus came to be known as Yuzu Asaph in Kashmir has been mentioned in the Ttarikh-i-Kashmir  of Mulla Nadri.  He writes: "I have found in the ancient Hindu works that Issa, the Spirit of Allah, assumed the name of Yuzu Asaph in Kashmir."

       Fida Hassnain considers this information, the information that "Saint Issa" of the Muslims is no other than Yuzu Asaph of Kashmir to be very important, and says so on page 167 of his book "A Search for the Historical Jesus."

"In his book "A Search for the Historical Jesus", Fida Hassnain mentions the story of the crucifixion of Sandhimati (spelling it Samdimati) but neglects to notice that Sandhimati is in Kahlana's kings list as reigning from 22 BC to 25 AD.  Perhaps this chart is not in Hassnain's book.  There are several translations of Kahlana's book and not all the details agree.  Obvious also when we compare the crucifixion story itself in Hassnain's book with my version of Kings of Kashmira. This story is on page 192 and 193 of "A Search for the Historical Jesus."
    Fida Hassnain, an honored scholar pictured on the right, remarks on page 193, "The above account is curious because it is the only recorded incident of crucifixion in the long history of Kashmir.  This account, recorded by Kalhana in about 1148 AD, proves that in the early twelfth century, there existed a faded impression of a person having been put on a cross by the king.

    Fida Hassnain's degrees, honors, and books--Click Here

Fida Hassnain posing at the highest point on the Srinagar-Leh road on one of his 

many research assignments as an official librarian and historian.

        Most of the information in "A Search for the Historical Jesus"  by Fida Hassnain is consistent with the Muslim belief that Jesus was a Hebrew prophet like the former Hebrew prophets Moses and Elijah, etc. who, after escaping crucifixion by his Jewish countrymen fled to Kashmir in his old age to declare himself a prophet of God (Allah) to that idol-worshipping country.   The stories of Sandhimati making a thousand Shiva-lingas a day, and Meghavahana worshipping Varuna, and King Pravarasena as a prince wanting a kingdom to rule worshipping Shiva for one year are either offensive or disbelieved by Fida Hassnain, so he fails to notice them or at least fails to quote them.   As a result we have preserved in these books by Hassnain and other Muslim's a white-washed, incomplete story of Jesus in Kashmir, that is historically deficient in a lot of important details.   But I also will be guilty of the same incompleteness if I fail to present what Fida Hassnain and his near-sighted fellow Muslim authors have preserved if I fail to give these quotations an equal airing on this web site. 


 Wrote Fida Hassnain on page 140 of "A Search for the Historical Jesus": The apostles gradually carried the teachings of Jesus along the major trade routes to the various cities of Arabia, Syria, Rome, Egypt, Persia, and Armenia, and early Christianity became very popular among the common people."

      "The Pharisees saw it to be absolutely necessary to revive the Jewish people and establish an independent theocratic kingdom.   They raised the banner of revolt against the Romans, who proceeded to subjugate and ravage Israel.   The Romans stormed Jerusalem and burnt down the Temple in 70 AD.  Thousands perished, and more were taken away as slaves.   According to one estimate, nearly 11,000 prisoners died of starvation." Shonfield, Hugh "Saints against Caesar, Macdonald, London, 1948, p142.   Jesus had already predicted the destruction of Jerusalem.

      "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you!  How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!   Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate.   For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."  Mattew 23:37

      Fida Hassnain in his book assumes that after his meeting with Paul at Damascus, described as a "vision" in Acts, that Jesus continued on along the same route, the "Silk Road", that he had taken before at the age of 13 years old.   Page 142. "He appointed James as his successor." Acts 9:10-19; Schonfield, The Passover Plot, pg 204; Eusebius, Pamphili, "Ecclesiastical History," 2, 23, tr Krisopp Lake, New York, 1926; Eusebius, "Ecclesiastical History, tr  C.F. Cruse, London, 1974, etc (many other citations) --- "Thomas had already been deputed to Parthia and India by Jesus." "The Acts of Thomas", tr. A.F.J. Klijin, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1962; Farquhar, J.N., "The Apostle Thomas in North India", Manchester, 1926; Brown.  L.W., "The Indian Christians of St. Thomas", Cambridge, 1956; Buchanon, C, "Christian Researches in Asia", Cambridge, 1811. "Jesus, having travelled that way earlier in his life, will have felt relatively safe as soon as he reached Parthia, out of the reach of the Romans -- the Parthian empire stretched from Antioch and Palmyra in the west to Kabul in the east, the Caspian Sea in the north and the Arabian Sea in the south."

Ruins of the church of Mar Jacob, in Nisibis

     "From Damascus he went to Nisibis, which had a colony of exile Jews," Josephus, Antiguities, xviii, 9, 1-8, Pratten, etc. (many others) --"The city was the meeting-place of many caravan routes, and was filled with people of many nations, engaged in commerce.  Jesus sought to hide his identity, and at this place he came to be known as Yusu Asaph.  Mir Khwand, in his classical work in Persian, titled Rauzat-us-Safa, has described the journey of Jesus to Nisibis in these words:

      "Hazrat Issa was called the Messiah because he was a great traveller.  He wore a woolen scarf on his head and wrapped his body with a woolen cloak.  He also held a staff in his hand and roamed from one country to another in disguise.  He ate fruit and vegetables during his travels.  He journeyed on bare feet until his companions bought a horse for him."

      "At last he reached Nisibis, which was known as Nisibain in those days.  A mysterious report about him and his mother Mary had spread in the city.  As such, he was summoned by the Governor, who received him with much honour and reverence.  All of them became his disciples."

      Continues Fida Hassnain: "Nisibis lay on the Silk Road from Damascus to Mosul and Babylon.  Nisibis was ruled on behalf of the Parthians by Ezad, ruler of the small principality of Adiabene, between Tabriz and Mosul.  Ezaz had been converted by Ananias.  Abgar, who had received the Holy Shroud, was a contemporary and neighbor of Ezad."

      "However, Nisibis had be come unsafe for Jesus, so it was time to continue.   He moved east to Mosul, then to Babylon, then to Ur, and from there to Kharax, capital of the kingdom of Mesene.  It was the main port to  which ships brought products from India and the Far East.   It was possible for Jesus to take the sea route, but instead he crossed into Persia."

    I spent quite a little time researching this particular quotation of Hassnain, hoping to at least find a picture of  "Kharax" or the Mesene kingdom.  Yes, there was such a kingdom but the name of the city was Charax, and the kindom Characene.  That Jesus traveled there with Thomas is maintained in the Acts of Thomas, but as part of a more extensive pilgrimage with Thomas than what Hassnain is here alluding to.  A trip that began in Rome, not Damascus.  " P.1427 - §3 After their stay in Rome they went overland to Tarentum, where they set sail for Athens in Greece, stopping at Nicopolis and Corinth. From Athens they went to Ephesus by way of Troas. From Ephesus they sailed for Cyprus, putting in at Rhodes on the way. They spent considerable time visiting and resting on Cyprus and then sailed for Antioch in Syria. From Antioch they journeyed south to Sidon and then went over to Damascus. From there they traveled by caravan to Mesopotamia, passing through Thapsacus and Larissa. They spent some time in Babylon, visited Ur and other places, and then went to Susa. From Susa they journeyed to Charax, from which place Gonod and Ganid embarked for India.

Jesus Preached in Persia

   Writes Fida Hassnain on page 143 "Jesus delivered many sermons in Persia, and he was welcomed by people.  At one stage, a high priest had him arrested, however, and he was asked whether he was preaching about a new God, and told not to sow doubt in the hearts of Zoroastran believers.  In Persia it was held that only Zoroaster had the privilege of communication with the Supreme Being, and that the Laws had been given to Zoroaster alone.  Jesus said to them:

     "It is not of a new God that I speak, but of our Heavenly Father who has existed since all time, and who will still be, after the end of all things.  It is if him that I have discoursed to the people, who, like unto innocent children, are not capable of comprehending God by the simple strebgth of their intelligence, or of penetrating into his divine and spiritual sublimitry."

      Notovitch, Nicolas, "The Life of St. Issa, VIII, 15-20. "The countries around about were filled with the renown of Issa's preachings, and when he came into Persia, the priests grew afraid and forbade the people hearing him".   See also: Mustapha, Agha, Ahwal-i-Ahalian-i-Paras (Persian), Teheran, 1909, p219.

       Page 143 "Jesus paused in many of the hamlets, villages, and towns of Persia, preaching and healing amongst the people, who apparently followed him in throngs.  He spoke to the priests in these words:

      "There is a silence where the soul may meet with its God, and where the fount of wisdom is.   All who enter are immersed in light and filled with wisdom, love, and power.   The silence is not circumscribed: it is not a place enclosed within a wall, or rocky steeps, nor guarded with the swords of men!'

      "Men carry with them the secret place where they may meet their God.  It matters not where people abide, on mountaintop, in deepest vale or in the quiet home; they may at once, at any time, fling wide the door and find the silence, find the house of God.  It is within the soul."  Levi, "The Aquarian Gospel," p79.

      Page 144 "During his sojourn in Persia, Jesus sat in silence in the prayer hall of the Magi for seven days.   Then he spoke on the origin of good and evil.  He told them not to worship the sun, for it was but a part of the cosmos.  It was to God and God alone that people owed all they possessed in this world.  On hearing him, the priests asked how people could live according to the rules of justice without a preceptor.   Jesus replied that as long as the people had no priests, natural law governed them, and they preserved the candour if their souls.  And when their souls were with God, they could commune with their Father without the medium of any idol, animal, the sun or the fire.  He said:

      "You contend that one must worship the sun, the spirit of good and evil.  Well, I say unto you, your doctrine is incorrect -- the sun acting not spontaneously but according to the will of the invisible Creator, Who gave it birth."

       "The Eternal Spirit is the soul of all that  is animate.  You commit a great sin in dividing it into a spirit of evil and a spirit of good: for there is no God outside the good.  Who, like the father of a family, does but good unto his children, forgiving all their faults, if they repent."

      "Wherefore I say unto you, beware of the day of judgment, for God will inflict a terrible chastisement upon all those who have led his children astray from the right path." Notovitch, Nicolas, "The Life of St. Issa", VIII, 6-7.

Jesus' Companion on this Trip,  His Mother, Mary

      In his book "A Search for the Historical Jesus"  Fida Hassnain on page 158, writes:

      "Mary the mother presumably followed with Jesus and Mary Magdalene to India, according to the "Gospel of Philip".

     "There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary his mother and her sister and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion.  His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary."

       "Gospel of Philip", 59.   Found in The Nag Hammadi Library, ed, James M. Robinson, New York, 1977, & E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1977; Eilson, R.M. The Gospel of Philip, London, 1962.   Philip was, according to John's gospel one of Jesus' first disciples (John 1:43-45), but his Gospel was denied a hearing by the church "Editors and Censors" after the Council of Nicea (325 AD) because some of what Philip had to say did not fit the agenda the Emperor Constantine had in mind for the religious world from that date onward.

     At the COUNCIL OF NICEA, the Emperor Constantine "the Great", later made a saint by the church he made preeminent in the Roman Empire, the "Roman" Catholic Church, made it mandatory that everyone believe in a Trinity of Gods, including Jesus as One member of this Trinity. Gnostic authors, such as the Apostle Philip, didn't fit in.

     Hassnain continues on page 158 "Mary the mother enjoys great respect amongst Christians: she agreed to conceive Jesus, nourished him as a mother would, went to great pains to protect and educate him, and went through worrisome times, such as when Jesus was inadvertently left in Jerusalem after the feast of the Passover when he was twelve.  After the resurrection, she accompanied Jesus to the East.   She was presumably with him at Taxila.  Shortly afterwards, when the Kushans attacked the region, they had to flee towards the hills.   Mary, the mother, died on the way, and was buried at a place which became called Mari until 1875, after which spellings were changed to Murree." Farouqui, Mumtaz, "The Crumbling of the Cross", p62; Sadiq, Mufti Muhammad, "Qabr-i-Masih," Qadian, 1936, pp25-27.

       "The tomb is called Mai-Mari-de-Asthan, or the 'resting place of mother Mary'' Nazir Ahmad, Khwaja, "Jesus in Heaven on Earth", p361.

        "Mumtaz Ahmad Faronouqui, who has conducted researches on the Tomb of Mary, says the following:

      "Mary belonged to the priestly class of the Israelites and it was befitting her honour that she be buried on a higher place like the Hill of Muree.  According to local tradition, the tomb is known as the resting place ot he mother Mary.  This tomb has been a place of pilgrimage by Hindus and Muslims alike, who make their offerings by putting oil in earthen lamps to be lit by the devotees."

       "In 1898, the garrison engineer ordered this tomb to be demolished so as to construct a military observation tower.   But, shortly afterwards, he died in an accident.   The locals connected this incident with his evil intentions towards this holy tomb.   Since then no one, to date, has done any harm to this grave, which faces east.   Memorial flags decorate the grave now." Forouqui, Mumtaz, "The Crumbling of the Cross", pp62-65.

   After Constantine, on threat of excommunication and banishment for those Christian bishops who wouldn't "sign on" to his program, made the Nicene creed mandatory for everyone, such books as "The Crumbling of the Cross" became anathema to Christians, but not, of course, to Muslims -- so some real history survives.  In spite of "our" efforts!


Fida Hassnain -- page 146

     "It took me many years to locate and examine oriental sources, in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Arabic, Persian and Urdu dealing with the lost years of Jesus.   The material was rich, and, unlike much of the historical material to which the church had had access, on the whole, untouched since ancient times.   These ancient documents, recording as they did a little-known connection between Christianity and the East, were of emmense fascination to me -- each new discovery further fueling my passion for the quest.  As my research progressed, it became possible to reconstruct, piece by piece, some of this second and final journey of Jesus in the East."

     "Yet there were also disappointments and sad discoveries.  Central Asia has been the home of several exotic civilizations and a seat of vast empires.    Many cultures, including  Greek, Buddhist and Islamic, flourished at various times in this region.  It is the birthplace of many prophets, philosophers, and great men."

     "The vastness and richness of its various cultures can be seen from the trasures from this region which are now housed in the great museums of the world.   Westerners have stolen caravan-loads of priceless treasures from the temples, mosques, tombs, caves and historical sites of Central Asia.   Among the chief culprits, mention may be made of Aurel Stein of England, Albert von Le Coq of Germany, Seven Hedin of Sweden, Paul Pelliot of France, Langdon Warner of the United States and Otani of Japan."

    "In 1907, for example, Stein ravaged thousands of manuscripts and documents from the Tun-huang caves.   These manuscripts were written in several Semitic alphabets.  It is certain that some manuscripts written in Aramaic pertained to Jesus.   Stein intentionally concealed this information from the world for the sake of the Church.  He declared that these manuscripts embodied the teachings of Mani, which are similar to those of Jesus." Stein, Aurel, "On Central Asian Tracks" Macmillan, 1935, pp214-216'

     "His statement, though half-true, served as a warning to the Church, who then deployed special missions to search out for destruction, documents relating to Jesus.   In this way, a great deal of invaluable information about Jesus has been destroyed."

So certain are we Christians that we alone indeed possess "Eternal Life" and so careful are we that not one potential "sheep" should be "lost" that such destruction of history is fully justified!
     Destruction by Christians of every record of Jesus' life but their own preferred myths that make him a "God" -- followed by Hassnain's own "almost-rejection" of the Hindu history to be found in Kings of Kashmir! But you, my readers, shall know the truth!

Bible Codes to the Rescue!

    It was while Jesus was traveling around through time and space with Lord Shiva in what the Kashmir History book calls "Varuna's Umbrella" that he was able to construct the "Bible Computer Codes" in Hebrew in Equidistant Letter Spacing [ELS].  Jesus shows he knows of their existence and the principle of exact copying of even the smallest Jewish letters in 2 quotations, both in Matthew.  Matt, 5:18, and Matt. 24:34,35.                            ....Not only does the last text describe the accuracy of the predictions, but also, by sequence, when they would be discovered!

 Accurate "Pesher" Dates

   Because Dr. Barbara Thiering, PhD has done an excellent job of learning from both the   contemporary authors of the first century [including, by the way, some of the Gnostic gospels] and the Dead Sea Scrolls, AND, after she learned to recognize the Essene scribal "Codes", the four gospels, Acts, and Revelation, I was able to determine a narrow range of dates for Jesus' pilgrimage on foot with his mother Mary.   I'm not so sure Mary Magdalene was with them, however.  She's missing in the stories along the way, while mother Mary is  mentioned in some of  them.  Also, she had children to bring up that ended in France, not India.   There is about three year's "gap" in Jesus' activities in Acts in which such a prolonged trip  could have been made. 

June 54 AD to June 57 AD.

      The travel itinerary in "Acts of Thomas" looks pretty likely to me, with the first part of the trip starting earlier than the above dates.   Perhaps as early as 50 AD.   Writes Thiering on page 265 "In late 49 the party of Jesus, Peter, John of Zebedee-Aquila and Luke ("Christians") are forced by Samaritan influence to leave Rome. (Cf. Suetoniis, Vita Claudii 24:4).  The 'Beloved Son' is 'killed' by the keepers of the Vineyard (Mk 12:7-8).  They come to Greece, Patmos and Troas."

       The "Pesher" shows Jesus married to Lydia in 50 AD and Paul married to Jesus' daughter Demaris [Tamar] in September of 53 AD, so I don't see an opportunity for Jesus and his mother Mary to walk all the way to Kashmir until, as I said, the summer of 54 AD.   That Thomas accompanied them on this trip is quite likely, although he may have kept a low profile.  

Two "Pilgrimages" Confirmed in Kings of Kashmira 

     Meghavahana [which I am certain is really Jesus] authorized a number of building projects and was a largely symbolic "husband" to a number of Buddhist nuns, who also built monasteries.  Then there were those vegetarian "Crusades" but wait, the line we're looking for ---page 37 "He performed two yajngas (pilgrimages)."

    Since Kahlana is not counting the "Vegetarian Crusades" as "Pilgrimages" I will assume that the FIRST Pilgrimage was the stay in Judea in which Jesus was crucified (29-33AD) and the SECOND Pilgrimage was the one beginning at Rome in 49-50 AD and ending with the walk through Parthia and Persia sometime during 54-57 AD.

     As I said before, I believe Jesus managed to "die" as Meghavahana, then re-appear as Pravarasena I.   Whether he also was known as Yusa Asaph the "Prophet from Israel"  after 59 AD, I can't be certain.   Or he may have waited until 89 AD, thirty years later, to take this final title by which he is now well known in that country.  But to the Muslims that came later, he was always Hazrat Issa or Saint Issa.

Srinagar, Kashmir, Location of the Tomb of Yusu Asaph

The Rosabal or Rozabal Tomb -- the sign says Yusa Asaph is buried here.

If Hazrat Issa [Saint Issa] is the same person as Yusa Asaph AND

Saint Issa is Jesus Christ [as Muslims have always called him] THEN

the sign is proclaiming that this is the Tomb of Jesus Christ!

NEXT we should look for evidence of how long people have thought this.

        This decree, signed and sealed by the Grand Mufti of Kashmir is dated 1194 AH (= 1766 AD) authenticating the tomb of Yuzu Asaph, who came to Kashmir (the Mufti determined) in the reign of Raja Gopadatta (49 AD)-- the decree gives the applicant Rehman Khan the title of hereditary custodian of the shrine, and entitles him to receive all offerings brought to the tomb, and that no one else is entitled to these offerings.

    The Grand Mufti also wrote on the above decree: "It has been established that during the reign of Raja Gopadatta, who had built and repaired many temples, including the Throne of Solomon on the Solomon Hill, Yuzu Asaph came in the valley of Kashmir.  Prince by descent, he was pious and saintly and had given up earthly pursuits.  He spent all his time in prayers and meditation."

     "The people of Kashmir, having become idolators after the great flood of Noah, sent Yuzu Asaph as prophet for the people.  This great prophet proclaimed the oneness of God.  When he breathed his last, he was buried in this tomb, which is known as Rozabal.  In the year 871 AH, Syed Nasir-ud-din, a descendant of Hazrat Imama Mosa Raza, was buried beside the grave of Yuzu Asaph."

The Hebrew Connection

 to Kashmir

     I myself can confirm that boatmen such as these do indeed paddle such boats all over Lake Dal, the lake that is for all practical purposes, the "main street" of Srinagar.  In 1995 I flew from New Delhi, India, to Kashmir, and stayed overnight in one of the tourist house-boats seen in the background along the shore of the lake.   A boatman such as the two seen here took me to my rented house-boat.  A great number of people in the Kashmir area [and also in nearby Afghanistan] have Hebrew names, and maintain the tradition that their ancestors were a part of the supposedly "lost" ten tribes of Israel' that were resettled by the Assyrians in other parts of their empire.    Such people would be likely to name a prominent hill in Sriniagar "Solomon's Hill" and the temple on its summit "Solomon's Temple".   And according to history that's exactly what they did!

Jesus Mentioned on a Repair to the Temple of Solomon

       The local tradition goes even further in that they believe that King Solomon himself visited Kashmir and either authorized or inspired a number of engineering feats in the Valley of Kashmir.  The boat trade between Israel and India is even older than Solomon.   According to the Bible, King David in cooperation with King Hiram of Tyre had a navy of ships built which sailed down the Gulf of Aquaba, and through the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf, and thence to India.

      Fortunately for us who want to find out about the real life of a real Jesus, not just get a free ride into "Eternal Life" based on his "Perfect Life", his "Sinlessness", and his purported exclusive relationship to YHWH as his "only-begotten Son", along with this mason's inscription is another indication that Jesus, as Yuzu Asaph, was there, as a Hebrew Prophet [not a God] in the year 54.

     The entire inscription reads: "The mason of this pillar is Bhisti Zargar, Year 54.  Khwaja Rukun son of Mirjan erected this pillar.  During this period Yuzu Asaph declared his ministry.  He was Yusu, the prophet of the Children of Israel."

More about the Repairs

  On page 199 and 200, Fida Hassnain quotes an old document that mentions the repairs to the "Throne of Solomon", that Gopadatta was king at that time, and specifically how Jesus, as "The Prophet from Israel" was able to facilitate the repairs.  All from Mulla Nadri's  "Tirikh-i-Kashmir":  the first [Muslim] history of Kashmir (1420 AD).

      "Raja Ach ascended the throne and ruled for 60 years.  He founded the town of Achbal in Kotiar, Kashmir.  After his death, his son Gopananda ruled the country, under the name of  Gopadatta.  During his reign many temples were built and repaired.  At this time the dome of the temple on top of Solomon hill had cracked.  He asked one of his ministers, named Sulaiman, who had come from Persia, to repair the cracked dome of the temple.  On this, the local Hindus  raised objections saying that as Suliaman was an infidel and followed another religion, he had no right to repair the sacred temple of the Hindus."

     "During this very period, Hazrat Yuzu Asaph arrived from the Holy Land, Bait ul Maquaddas, to the Holy Valley, Wadi a Aqddas, and proclaimed his ministry.  He absorbed himself in prayers day and night, and having attained an elevated position in virtue and piety, he declared to the people of Kashmir that he was the messenger of God.  He called upon the people to follow the words of God, and many believed in him.  Thereupon, Raja Gopadatta referred the objections of Hindus to him for his decision.  It was under his orders that Sulaiman, whom the local Hindus named Sandiman, completed the repairs of the cracked dome of the temple, in the year 54.   Sulaiman also had engraved the following inscriptions on the bstones leading to the stairs of the temple: 'During this period Yuzu Asaph declared his Ministry.  He was Yusu, the Prophet of the Children of Israel.'."

     "In a work by a Hindu it is said that this Prophet was in reality Hazrat Issa, the Soul of God -- on whom be peace and salutations.   He had assumed the name of Yuzu Asaph during his life in the valley.  The real knowledge is with Allah.  After his demise, Hazrat Issa, on whom be peace and salutations, was laid to rest in the tomb in the locality of Anzimar.   It is also said that the rays of prophethood used to emanate from the tomb of this Prophet.   Raja Gopadatta passed away after having ruled for 60 years and 2 months."

Bhavishya Maha Purana

      Writes Fida Hassnain on page 189-192 of "A Search for the Historical Jesus":---"This work, written in the Sharda alphabet of ancient Kashmir, is written on brick bark papyrus.  It was compiled by Sutta in 3191, Laukika Era, which corresponds to 115 AD.   This rare manuscript came into the possession of the Maharaja of Kashmir, who sent it to the Oriental Research Institute, Poona, India, for study and research.   It was published in 1910 in Bombay, India."

     "Amongst other things, it mentions the existence of the followers of Moses in India.  The Bhavishya Maha Purana is a book of events, information and prophecies started by the devotees of the solar cult  which existed in the third century BC.  The present manuscript by Sutta is copy of the previous writings, and continuation from it.  He did the work around 115 AD, and he has given an interesting account of Jesus.  He writes that the king of the Sakas (Scythians or Yeeh-Chi) met a saint who had come from a foreign land, describing himself as the Son of God, and born of a girl."

      "Sutta records that Shalivahana ruled over Kashmir in about 78 AD.  The same year he left for the south to make more conquests, and never returned to his kingdom again.  Sutta records that it was Wyien, an ancient site near Pampur, Kashmir, famous for its three mineral springs, the king of the Sakras met a saintly person,  fair in complexion, wearing a long white robe.  When the king inquired about the saint, he replied: "Know me as Ishvara Putaram, or 'Son of God', and Kanya Garban of 'Born of a Virgin'."

     "I had the whole paragraph translated into English by a team of Kashmir University professors.  The translation was interesting and thought-provoking:

      "During this period, Shalivahana, grandson of Vikrama-Dity, laid hold on the kingdom of his father.   He defeated the invincible Sakas [Scythians], and fought off the hords from Cheen [China], Balhika [Bactria], Kamrupa {Parthia], Tatari [Mongolia], Roma [Rome -- more probably Greece] and Khura [Khorasan]."

     "He took possession of their treasures, and those who deserved punishment were punished.   He also demarcated the border between the Aryans and the Mleechas [Amlekites], fixing Sindhu (river Indus] as the boundary between the two peoples."

     "During this period, the king of the Sakas came to Himatunga [Himalaya].  In the mountain area, Wyien the king saw a dignified person of white complexion wearing a long white robe.  Astonished to see this foreigner, he asked, Who are you?  The dignified person replied in a pleasant manner:

     "Know me as Ishvara Putaram, or 'Son of God', Kanaya Garbam, or 'Born of a Virgin'.   Being given to truth and penances, I preach the truth to the Amlekites."

     "After hearing this, the king was astonished.  He asked: Which religion do you preach?  The dignified person replied:

     "O King, I hail from a land far away, where there is no truth, and evil knows no limits.  I appeared in the country of the Amlekites.   And I suffered at their hands."

      "I appeared as Isha Masih or Jesus Messiah.  I received the Messiahip or Christhood."

      "I said unto them, 'Remove all mental and bodily impurities.  Recite the revealed prayer.  Pray truthfully in the right manner.   Obey the Law.  Remember the name of our Lord God.   Meditate upon him whose abode is in the centre of the sun."

      "When I appeared in the Amlikite country, I taught love, truth and purity of heart.  I asked human beings to serve the Lord.  But I suffered at the hands of the wicked and the guilty."

     "In truth, O King, all power rests with the Lord, who is in the centre of the sun.  And the elements, and the cosmos, and the sun, and the God, are forever.  Perfect, pure, and blissful, God is always in my heart.   Thus my name has been established as Isha Masih."

     "After having heard the pious words from the lips of this distinguished person, I felt peaceful, made obeisance to him and returned."

     "As Shalivahana vanished from history in the year 78 AD, it is probable that the above incident occurred before that date.   I am not certain whether the king was Shalivahana or another person acting as the king of the Scythians.  The present edition of the Bhavishya Maha Purana was published from a manuscript supplied by the Maharaja Pratap Singh of Jammu and Kashmir state.  As such the authenticity of the manuscript cannot be doubted."

      Next on page 192, Fida Hassnain turns to another famous Kashmir Sanskrit document, the Rajatarangini, or in English "The River of Kings" or in my copy called "Kings of Kashmira".  He is troubled by his inability to explain why it is Sandhimati who was crucified in a country where no one else before and after was crucified.   But I have dealt with that subject earlier on this page.

Jesus' Preparation for 

Death and His Tomb

       Muslims, who maintain that Jesus DID NOT die on the cross, DO however believe he died later in Kashmir and is buried in the Tomb at the Rozabal in Srinagar.   In this they are being consistent and logical.  What gets in the way of both consistency and logic for religious Christians is that Paul's Gospel not devised until a number of years after Jesus' apparent death on a Roman cross, depends upon the "magic" of the cross to save Gentile sinners, although its not clear that he promoted such "magic" as needed or effective for Jews or for Essenes of any racial background.  Both Jews and Romans offered animal sacrifices to gain favors from their Gods and Paul proposed that Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross took care of all these animal sacrifices, that are therefore no longer necessary.  Romans had a number of gods, of which Zeus or Jupiter was the chief.   Zeus or Jupiter could grant "Eternal Life" to those he wished, and many of these who were either entitled to "Eternal Life" themselves by virtue of having Zeus as their father, or as a favor granted to people who would otherwise die a natural death.   In this Roman mythology, however, one of Zeus' sons or daughters could not generally confer immortality on others they chose to do this for.  Paul, by using the "One God" theology of the Jews merged symbolically with "Roman mythology in regards to immortality,' was able to make us Gentiles an "offer" we have found it hard to refuse.   "Immortality" or "Eternal Life" is ours if we but believe in God's Only Son Jesus.  This is only true, however, to the extent and in the manner that it was true for Jesus.   In some ways he was "Immortal" but in other ways he wasn't!  Let the buyer beware!

      Muslims have watched other Muslims die for 1300 years, and do not see a magical short-cut to "Paradise" except through martyrdom.   If one "dies for Allah" the judgment of previous sins is cancelled and the martyr goes directly to Paradise to be surrounded by virgins and experience various other types of "heavenly bliss" also.   Eventually early Christians after Paul may have had similar ideas that allowed them to go through torture and martyrdom without giving up their faith in Jesus.

      Jesus himself, in the Kashmir stories of his old age and death could not prevent this inevitable event any more than the rest of us are able to.   The body wears out and dies, even if a vegetarian diet, exercise, and clean living allows us to live much longer than we otherwise might live.

      Fida Hassnain writes on page 224 of "A Search for the Historical Jesus":--"Like his birth, the demise of Yuzu Asaph is shrouded in mystery.  While the Gospels make him die on a cross in his early 30s, the oriental works make him pass away at a ripe old age."

       "It is interesting to find that reliable reports of the sayings of the Prophet of Islam assign an age of 125 years to Hazrat Issa, or Jesus.  The account given by Shaikh-us-Sadiq about the demise of Yuza Asaph in Kashmir is full of important information.  He records:

        "At the approach of death, he sent for his disciple Babaad.   He made his last will and gave directions about carrying on his mission of peace.  He gave directions about  preparation of the sepulcre for him, at the very place where he breathed his last.   He then stretched his legs toward the west and kept his head towards the east and passed away."


        The present "Tomb of Jesus" in Srinagar, Kashmir is not, according to old reports, the original structure, which is beneath this building.  Hassnain continues on page 224:--"The inner chambers of the sepulchre were covered with stone walls and a door was provided for entrance.   Master craftsmen engraved the stone frame of the door with its beautiful design.  It is recorded in old works that many people would visit this tomb with the aim of seeking blessings.   There was a hole in the western wall of the tumb, out of which the oder of musk used to emanate."

      "An unknown carver, who had served Yuzu Asaph for many years, carved out the feet impressions of the master on a black stone slab.  He gave  prominence to the fact that the feet had been pierced.   He showed the nail wound on the right foot in full, in order to show that at the time of crucifixion, the left foot had been placed over the right foot and then nailed.  He also made a round hole in one foot, and in the other foot he carved out a raised wound.  A few wooden and stone crosses were placed near the sarcophagus."


        "As the centuries passed the stone walls slipped down into the earth, and after some time, one could only see the upper portion of the carved stone door.  It has now disappeared.  Fortunately, we have a photograph by an archaeologist, which shows the upper portion of the carved stone door, drowned in earth."


      Multiple Kings and Overlapping Kingdoms

    Sayings of Jesus recorded by Muslims

Pravarasena's "Salvation" [Death] - A Prophecy!

Isaiah's Prophecy Fulfilled:

at Qumran and in Kashmir

The respected and official "History of the Kashmir Kings" by Kahlana Sent to me all the way from India by Suzanna Olsson, whose picture I have shown above.
      The story of Jesus Christ in Kashmir continues in 25 AD, when he was appointed or elected King of that small Himalayan nation.  But he was apparently living a while before that in Pakistan, in the city of Taxila. Where he was chosen to be the husband of a princess, the princess Amritaprabha, the daughter of King Gopaditya..   The story begins on page 33.   His  name in those days and in that location was Prince Meghavahana.

  The Story Continues as Jesus King of Kashmir:

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