King Solomon's Scribes

(and other such myths)

        That King Solomon was a very rich and powerful king, and had a contingent of scribes working for him collecting wise sayings, and parables, and historical gems from all over the civilized world is a very popular Jewish tradition, and a great number of people believed it at one time.   It's there in the Bible to read and believe if you choose to do so.    But the number of archaeologists and scholars who still believe this to be true has diminished to a vanishingly small number.

Similarly in trouble nowadays are the ideas that he had a magnificent palace,

had envoys visiting him from all over the world, and had 700 wives.

        The generalized skepticism is due to the lack of any real documents that can be shown to come from the so-called "First Temple" period, any evidence of scribal schools, or even any real places of worship, other than outdoors for this era.  

       The Bible repeatedly speaks of the apostates worshipping in “bamahs” or “high places”. High places will have been normally a bare hill top, with an unhewn or roughly hewn altar on it, and covered shrines will have been unusual. Rooftops could have served as high places, but worship was generally beneath an open sky to judge from the Biblical Ahaz who erected altars at every street corner (2 Chr 28:24), and Ezekiel 16:24-25:

         "Woe to you that you have also built yourself a mound, and you have made yourself  a  high  place in every open place! At the head of every highway you have built your high place…" Ezek 16:24-25 l

         The first Persian colonists seem to have continued the tradition, it being Persian practice too, but the Later Persians had been Babylonized, and had taken to temple worship. That is when the Jerusalem temple was set up, and the earlier practice disparaged.    

     Israel Finkelstein is certain that the Bible was compiled in Judah, because the text reflects only the ideology of Judah.   Judah is in the ideological center of the whole thing.  Judah is the place where the history is compiled.    The lack of evidence of literacy in Judah until the seventh century BC, suggests the Bible was compiled in Jerusalem in the Persian period, or, Finkelstein thinks, possibly in the late Judahite monarchy.    The Persian period is overwhelmingly the more likely, but, in either case, the question is whether the authors had written sources, and where they came from if it was not Judah.
      I think we are discovering in these old Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian cuneiform clay tablets and cylinder seal pictures and stone carvings our sources for many if not most of the supposedly historical stories in the Torah, and even later Joshua, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles.    Later scribes in the second temple period have browsed around in this supposedly "foreign" literature, and cafeteria style, adapted it to become their own history.  

       Zechariah Sitchin is a Jewish researcher and linguist who over the years has specialized in reading translations of ancient Sumerian, Accadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian documents that have been found in archaeological excavations all over the areas, many in southern Iraq, where archaeologists believe the Garden of Eden was located.   

     He has also trained himself to decipher some of these ancient cuneiform (wedge-shaped) alphabets himself, so has been able to solve some puzzling ancient riddles and stories that presented problems to the University professors who usually can be relied on to give us the real history of the ancient gods of these pre-Biblical races of mankind.

       There are no Adam and Eve stories that match the "sinful Eve" story that is found in the Bible, but there was a troublesome goddess named Inanna who was indeed responsible for obtaining some tablets containing a lot of the knowledge of the ancient gods she, the goddess, was not supposed to have access to.    Here's pictures he found carved in stone and modeled in clay of Inanna, both dressed and undressed.

        Inanna was a clever goddess, and spent a lot of her time flying around in various types of prehistoric aircraft and spacecraft seducing both gods and men, but for reasons far from clear in these various stories, seldom or perhaps never, got pregnant herself.   But that's another story for another time.   She was, however, as the goddess of love, no doubt present at the wedding of the Sumerian equivalent of Adam and Eve.   Who really did have a wedding after all.


Here's a posed picture, modeled by actors, of 

Lord EA's hybrid (part human, part divine) children,

Adapa and Titi.  Adapa's children were Ka-IN and Aba-EL.

"King Solomon's Scribes"

Scribes in the Second Temple Period

     "J Schaper, in a paper called The Jerusalem Temple as an Instrument of the Achaemenid Fiscal Administration in 1995 says that, in the Second Temple period, the Persians employed the Temple personnel to collect imperial taxes and deliver them to the imperial representative.    Substantial scribal activity, combining imperial and cultic business, therefore grew.    The lists of officials the Chronicler assigns to David may be fictitious but it suggests that the Chronicler regarded an extensive scribal-administrative class as plausible.    Judah in the Persian period was a cultural backwater and economically poor but the growth of literacy and scribal activity set a base for development.    The Jewish state did not exist as an autonomous political entity but Jerusalem benefited from being a provincial capital of a mighty empire with an extensive bureaucracy."

     "The scribes were largely insulated from most of the people, who were illiterate for many centuries more.    Scribes were a privileged class because of their skills, and lived in cities when most people worked on the land, were paid by the state and attended its courts.     Nevertheless society was unsophisticated and there were points of contact between the higher classes and the peasantry, in the market places, for example.    The emergence of an artisan and merchant class during the Second Temple period provided additional stepping stones for an upwardly mobile peasant, but there were, of course, few of them."

         "To call these men scribes is to underestimate their real position. We take reading and writing for granted, but then it was a highly prized skill   . Like most skills, the scribes will initially have taught their own children and a scribe will have taken his father’s profession.     These people were not just secretaries or scribblers, they were intellectuals, who studied accountancy, economics, mathematics and astronomy, as well as sacred texts.    They were wise men or sages, the literate Jewish equivalent of the Magi and Druids."

     "Such accomplishments eventually would require an extensive educational system or scribal schools in which not just the writing of Hebrew, but the reading of other languages, mastery of diplomatic forms, principles of archiving and so on would be passed on.    Undoubtedly there were scribal schools later, in the Hellenistic age."

    "In the Ptolemaic and Seleucid periods Judah’s wealth increased considerably, and the later we move in date the easier it is to conclude that the temple could sustain a number of scribal schools with a vigorous literary activity.   The later in time, the better evidence we have for scribal activity.     Even if holy scribbling began before the Second Temple period, it continued and increased during this period.     Since scribblers were rare before then, but common afterwards, what is the objection to postulating that the scriptures were actually written when scribbling was popular? The onus of proof of the antiquity of the scriptures lies on those who want to argue that they were written earlier.   If less likely, it remains possible, but must be shown, not assumed."

   "The education of the scribe broadened in the Hellenistic period, and they spread their values to non-scribes. Education in classical Greece was to produce warrior citizens versed in gymnastics, music, and grammar.   Later the Sophists added politics, dialectics, and rhetoric.   In the Hellenistic period, children in general were taught arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.    In the second century BC literacy had become more widespread in Judah because of Greek influence, the growth of international trade under Persia, the emergence of a middle class of merchants and artisans, and the growth of the administrative class, especially under the Ptolemies.   Ben Sira invites his readers to attend his school, possibly even without payment, but the range of topics in his book shows he is not training scribes, but offering an education to anyone who wanted to study."

Back Now to Adapa (Bible "Adam")

        Adapa, being part homo erectus, had enough facial hair to grow a beard when he reached adulthood, but his wife did not, as we are used to seeing in human females of today.  The picture below can be used to show what Adapa's family may have looked like while Ka-IN and Aba-EL were small children.  What is not shown here is the city of Eridu in the background, where Adapa lived most of his lifetime as a priest of his father the god Lord EA.

      Anu kept Ningishzidda's brother Dumuzi on Nibiru.  Experts taught Dumuzi animal husbandry so he, in turn, could, when he too got back to Earth, teach Ka-in's twin, Abael, husbandry.  When Nibiru again approached Earth, Dumuzi would take female goats, sheep and a sperm bank for these animals for Abael. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki:170]

Ningishzidda rocketed back to Earth with Adapa and grain seeds.   Ningishzidda's job: prepare Abael--one of Adapa's twins–to work with Dumuzi when, in 3,600 Earth years (next time Nibiru approached Earth), Dumuzi would return from Nibiru to Earth. 

So now we know why, as the Bible states, Abel (Aba-EL) "was a keeper of sheep." (Genesis 4:2b).   The author of Genesis 4 had the original story, and is keeping it short and covering up certain details for a specific and understandable reason.  After Moses, it was no longer fashionable to talk about multiple gods and plots among those gods to deprive a human of immortality just because a mortal human was more useful to the gods on earth than an immortal human in heaven might be.   And so a major cover-up began very early in the supposed "Books of Moses".   "Moses" taught One God, and One God only.   Any author or scribe saying otherwise risked his or her job security, and perhaps even his  or her life.   Monotheism was the name of the game.

When Dumuzi returned to Earth, however, Ningishzidda’s elder brother, Marduk, Enki's eldest son, took charge of Abael and the animal husbandry project.   Whether Dumuzi or Marduk supervised Abael, the Enki lineage ran livestock for Mission Earth.

Enlil balanced the Enkiites control of livestock.  He insisted his own eldest son Ninurta tutor Ka-in to raise the grain seeds Ningishzidda brought from Nibiru.       Enlil’s lineage, the Enlilites, not Enki's lineage, the Enkiites, would farm Earth.

        And so it was that when the space-ship loaded with goats and sheep arrived from the planet Nibiru, that Aba-EL had a new trade to learn, animal husbandry, while Kain continued on as a grain-farmer, tending the fields and canals in southern Iraq where irrigation was required both then and now, to insure a grain crop worthy of harvesting.  The work was harder and the responsibility greater now that Aba-EL was no longer available to help him.   But they both were now no longer working for their grandfather, the god Lord EA (Enki) but for another god, the "God of Heaven", Enlil.  (The equivalent, it seems, to the Yahweh of the Bible.)

"By the lack of Enki’s blessing greatly was Ka-in aggrieved"

Genesis 4:7 "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?  and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door, ...etc."

The twins quarreled for an entire winter about whether–Ka-in’s grains and fish-abundant irrigation canals or Abael’s meat and wool--contributed most. 

And now we already have some answers to those nagging questions that I suggested on the previous page.  Why are these brothers working at conflicting occupations? They had no choice, they were servants of the gods doing what they were told to do. Why was Aba-EL's offering accepted by Yahweh?  Because animal husbandry was a new project requiring extra effort and Aba-EL was making that extra effort and being successful. Why was Kain's offering of grain and vegetables ignored by Yahweh (Enlil)?  Poor judgment on his part.   He was used to Kain's activities, and taking them for granted.  His conciliatory remarks to Kain were too little, too late. How long did Kain and Aba-EL "talk" about this problem? An entire winter, perhaps 3 to 6 months.  How long did the gods Enlil and Enki have an opportunity to prevent, by any number of corrective actions, the tragedy that happened next? An entire winter, 3 to six months. 

"When summer began, it was not raining, the meadows were dry, the pastures dwindled.  Into the fields of his brother Abael his flocks drove, from the furrows and canals to drink water.    By this Ka-in was angered." 

The twins fought with fists till Ka-in bludgeoned Abael with a stone, then sat and sobbed. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 183- 184].

Answer to the question: With what did Cain kill Abel? A stone!

Answer to question 2: Was he sorry? Yes! He cried.


Enki brought his grandson, Ka-in, to Eridu for The Seven Who Judge (Enlil, Ninki, Ninurta and Nannar from Enlil's Lineage, Ninmah, and Enki, Ninti and Marduk from Enki's) to judge. 


Marduk, Abael’s mentor, demanded the Judges order Ka-in--protégée of his rival Ninurta--executed.   But Enki told Marduk that he, Enki, fathered Ka-in’s father. Ka-in was Marduk’s grandnephew.    Ka-in must live, said Enki, to breed superior slaves to work field, pasture and mines. "If Ka-in too shall be extinguished, satiation [of food supplies] to an end would come, mutinies will be repeated."

Answer to the question: Why did the Jewish re-writer of this story write that vengeance would be taken on whoever slew Cain seven-fold?  Because, now promoting One God, Yahweh, the Jewish author could NOT write about seven gods who judged! Definitely a no-noBetter to be inaccurate and keep your job, and not be stoned!
     The deliberation of the seven judges is given in the Sumerian original.  What each said and why the decision was made not to execute Ka-in.  Not so in the Bible.   Yahweh has no one at this point to deliberate with.  He just decides.

The Seven ruled "Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart.  Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart".      Ka-in and "his generations shall distinguished be

     Answer to another long-debated question:  Was it Cain only that received the "Mark of Cain", or was it his whole family, all his descendents?  The answer: all "his generations" shall "distinguished" be, -- receive the same "mark" Cain received.

By Ningishzidda was the life essence [genotype] of Ka-in altered: his face a beard could not grow***

     Answer to the question:  What was the "mark" of Cain?  It was a smooth, beardless face.  Why were all his descendents ("generations") also beardless? Because the god Ningishzidda had altered Cain's genetic make-up.   In effect: another race of humans had been hybridized.  A race with no beards.
    This principle, that a law-breaker, criminal, murderer's -- genetic make-up could be altered to make that person's children, grand-children, etc. obvious to an on-looker was deemed important enough by Jewish scribes that they added it to the SECOND COMMANDMENT of the Decalogue:               

     ---"for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers (Cain or Ka-in) upon the children (Cain's smooth-faced descendents) unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me (or as some Jewish scholars have now re-interpreted it -- unto a thousand generations!)--- Exodus 20:5c, d. 

 .....With his sister Awan as spouse Ka-in from the Edin departed." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 186 - 187].  They wandered in the wilderness to the east. 

     Answer to question: What was Cain's wife's name?  Awan. Was she his sister?  Yes.

King Anu had, at Enki’s request, denied Ka-in's father (Enki's son) Adapa the genetic and herbal modifications to live hundreds of thousands of years as did full-blooded Nibirans.      Adapa lived hale hundreds of years, longer than most hybrids.  

     This does not agree with other texts that give Adapa credit for a very long life, but does agree to the Seth genealogies in Genesis in which no one lives any longer than 1000 years.

  But, at last, Adapa faded.  He could barely see and would die soon.

     I see a parallel here with the Isaac story.   Other aberrations suggest Isaac was a fictitious person, so the editors can do as they wish with his life. 

Ninurta, in his rocketship, fetched Adapa’s son Ka-in to see Adapa in Edin before the old man died.  "The eyesight of Adapa having failed, for recognition of his sons' faces he touched.    The face of Ka-in was beardless"   

     The parallelism with the Isaac story continues, but the Jewish scribe has been more creative.   Rebecca the mother fools blind Isaac by putting hairy skins on Jacob's smooth arms, gets him to wear Isaac's sweaty clothes. and cooks some goat to taste like venison.   How Jacob disguised his voice we're not told, but this part was unsuccessful ---Genesis 27:22b "The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau."

   Adapa told Ka-in, "For your sin of your birthright you are deprived, but of your seed seven nations will come.    In a realm set apart they shall thrive, distant lands they shall inhabit.      But having your brother with a stone killed, by a stone will be your end."

     Precedent for the deathbed prophecies of Jacob-Israel in Genesis 49:1-28.  And for the eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth laws of both Israel and the Muslims.

Ninurta returned Ka-in to the wilds east of Edin where "in a distant realm Ka-in had sons and daughters"    Ninurta, "for them a city built, and as he was building.    By a falling stone was Ka-in killed. "      Sitchin [1985, The Wars of Gods and Men page 112] suggests Ninurta, as Adapa had warned, killed Ka-in.

Ka-in's survivors planted grain.    They founded and ruled the city of Nud [also called Dun, Dunnu and Nu.dun].   The sons of Ka-in's successors for the next four generations murdered their fathers.    For the next three generations after that, each ruler of Nud killed his parents, married his sister, then dictated. (became a dictator?)

Ka-in’s son's son's son, Enoch, succeeded Ka-in four generations later.      Enoch married his sisters, Adah and Zillah.  Adah’s first son,Jabal (and the sub-lineage Jabal begat), lived in tents and herded cattle.  Adah's second son, Jubal, begat lyre and flute players.   Enoch's other wife, Zillah, bore Tubal-Cain, a smith, "artificer of gold, copper and iron." [Sitchin, Z., 1885, The Wars of Gods and Men pages111 -112; 2002, The Lost Book of Enki:, pages 181-193].


Enki's daughter Titi bore thirty sons and daughters to her brother (Enki's son) Adapa. 

     Answer to three other questions: Did these hybrid women live as long as the hybrid men?   Evidently Yes.   So Eve may have lived as long as Adam in the Bible.   And if Eve was really Titi, Adapa's sister and wife, she had a lot of children too.  Question two: Did these hybrid women go into menopause at 40-50 years old?   Evidently No.  Question three: How many children could such a woman bear?  Answer: At least thirty.  That's how many Titi had.

Expedition personnel, the gods divied up these enhanced slaves and taught them to write, do math, dig wells, prepare oils, play harp and flute.     Enlil's son Nannar decreed rituals for slaves to worship gods.

 Enki taught astronomy to one of his descendants, Enkime.     Marduk rocketed Enkime to the Moon and Marsbase, then to the spaceport at Sippar to oversee the slaves for Shamash.  [Sitchin, Z., 1885, The Wars of Gods and Men pages 111 -112; 2002, The Lost Book of Enki:, pages 188-193].

    Observation by Dr. Bob Holt, md --- Evidently the Astronaut occupation is much older than we have presumed it to be, and so-called prehistoric humans were fully capable of mastering the skills required.  It was usually Enki who provided them an opportunity.

     Observation TWO:  It appears that Lord EA, (Enki) who created the human-divine hybrids, cares a lot more for the human race than does Yahweh, who demands the worship of so much of the Earth's people.

NEXT: Page 4 of Cain's Salvation