
English SUMMARY: Health-Ark dot Com is a WEB-SITE emphasizing the

relationship between Noah's Ark, the two other Arks of the Torah, and health.

TheCONNECTION is facilitated by understanding that the Essenes of Qumran

edited the Sacred Scriptures of their day [1st century BC and 1st century AD]

to make it appear that Vegetarianism and other good health practices have

existed since Adam and Eve [who were, of course Vegetarians] and will

promote long life [pre-flood patriarchs] and increased mental ability [Daniel].

.........Dr. Robert Holt has travelled numerous times to the Middle East, visiting the real Noah's

Ark in Turkey, the remains of some of the 7 churches of Revelation, Greece and the Isle of

Patmos, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, and of course, Jerusalem and Qumran...He has interviewed

authors of books on the subjects presented....A "COVER-UP" exists, and the reasons are

explored on this WEB-SITE.....It is now possible to know with some certainty who the real

Joseph and Moses were historically, and much more about the real life of the REAL JESUS

[of Qumran}, and why there are two major HIDDEN Bible Codes in the Bible, called

the TORAH CODE by some [TANAKH] and the "Gospel Pesher" [New Testament].

...........Although UFO's are clearly indicated in Biblical Literature, a COVER-UP exists

on this subject also....The author has seen his own UFO's, both at night and in the daytime,

and explores both pre-Biblical and Biblical UFO's in a positive and hopeful manner....Y2K

concerns are explored also, but not extensively....As a major example of what the TORAH

CODES can reveal, SCHINDLER's LIST Bible Codes are revealed in some detail......

........."Camelot", King Arthur, and British "Israel" warrants a series of frames....More

extensive and controversial literature can be ordered through the "Book-bin" on this WEB-

SITE, which also allows user feed-back on-site as well as by postal mail and E-mail......

........Starting in the year 2000: A report of the Pope's lecture on "heaven", the true identity

of Satan, introducing the New Age Antichrist, and how Christ was tempted!

Deutsch UBERSICHT: Health-Ark dot Com ist ein "WEB-SITE" das

ausdrücklich betonet die Verwandtschaft zwischen Noah's Arche [Raften]

und die zwei ander Archen [Raftlein und die Lade] die Tora [Bibel] , und

Gesundheit......Die Zusammehang ist erleichtern bei verstehen die Essenen

Qumran redigieret die Heilige Schrift die ihre Epoche [1st Jahrhundert BC

- 1st Jahrhundert AD]. ..Sie wünschen zeigen Vegetarier und anderer

Gesundheit Gewohnheit existiert seitdem Adam und Eva [die Vegetarier,

natürlich] und fordert langlebig [vor-Flut Patriarchen] und vergrossert

Mentalität [Daniel].

.........Anderer Thema: Gesundheit Rat, real [wahr] "Joseph", "Mose", Arche [Raften] Noah

und Flut, "Camelot" und "Israel" die Britannien, Jesus Christus der Essene, Bibel

Geheimschrift und Chiffre ["CODES"], UFO's -OVNI, "Y2K"....Bibel Chiffre von

Schindlers "Liste"...

........Beginnen im Jahr 2000: Die Nachricht des Papsts ungefähr Himmel, die wahre Identität

von Satan, vorstellenden das Neue Alter Antichrist, und Wie Christus versucht wurde.

SUMMARIO Español: Health-Ark dot Com esta un "WEB-SITE" que

presenta la relationship [rapport] entre el ARCA del NOÉ, las dos otras

arcas de la Tora [Santa Biblia], y la salud.....La connexion hizo por los

Essenes de Qumran que editadas la Biblia de son Era [la primera siglo a. de

C.- la primera siglo A.C.]....Hizo una impression que vegetarianismo y otros

costumbres de la salud existe desde entonces Adán y Eva [que estan, cer-

teramente, vegetariano], y la vegetarianismo hace longevidad [Metusalén et

al], y mas grande capacidad y talento mentalmente [Daniel].

.........Otras materias: Consejo de la salud, la verdad de José hijo de Jacob, la verdad de

Moisés de la Biblia, la verdad del arca de Noé y el diluvio universal, "Camelot" y "Israël"

en Gran Bretaña, Jesucristo el Essene, "Codes" [Cifras] de la Biblia, OVNI, Y2K, "Codes" de

Schindler's "lista".

.........El principio neuvo en 2000: Un mensaje del Papa acerca del cielo, la identidad verdadera

de Satan, introducir la Edad Nueva Antichrist, cómo Cristo fue tentado.

SOMMAIRE Français: Health-Ark dot Com est un "WEB-SITE" appuye

sur rapport de l' arche de Noé, la petit arche de Moïse, la arche d'alliance,

et Santé.....La connexion fait de los Essenes de Qumran que ete éditeur de

la Sainte Bible de son époque [premier Siècle BC - premier Siècle AD]... Il

fait un impression Végétarisme et autre coutume por bonne Santé existe

depuis ce temps-là Adam et Eve [que estan certainement Végétarien] et la

Végétarisme augmente longévité [antediluvien patriarche] et augmente

acuité mental [Daniel]...

..........Autre matières: Conseil de la Santé, la vérité de Joseph fils de Jacob, la vérité de

Moïse [son identité vrai], la vérité de l'arche de Noé et el Déluge Universel, "Camelot" et

Israël en La Grande-Bretagne, Jésus le Essene, Codes [chiffre] de la Bible, OVNI,

Y2K, Codes de Schindler's "Liste".

.......La commencement dans 2000: Le message du Pape du ciel, la vraie identité de Satan,

introduire le Nouveau Antichrist d'Age, et Comment Christ a été tenté.

O RESUMO em Português: O Healthark.com é um WEB-SITE realçar o

relacionamento entre el ARCA del NOÉ, as duas outras arcas o Torah [Bíblia

sagrada], e saúde...A conexão é facilitada por o entendimento isso o Essenes

de Qumran editou as Escrituras Sagradas de seu dia [primeiro BC de século

e primeiro ANÚNCIO de século] fazer aparecer isso Végétarianism

[Vegetarisme-Vegetarianismo] e outra boa saúde praticam existiu desde que

Adam e Eva [eram certamente Vegetarian] e promoverá vida longa [os

patriarcas de pre-inundação] e aumentou capacidade mental [Daniel].

....Outros temas ou questões: O conselho saude, José filho de Jacob, Moisés da Bíblia,

a verdade sobre a Arca del Noé e a Inundação Universal; "Camelot", e Israel britânica,

Jésus o Essene, Nova Bíblia Codifica [os quebra-cabeças, "riddles"], OVNI, Y2K, Codes

de "Schlindler's Liste".

.....Novo começar em 2000: A mensagem do Papa sobre céu, a identidade real de Satan,

introduzir o Novo Antichrist de Idade, como Cristo foi tentado.

ILL SOMMARIO nell'italiano: L'Healthark.com è un WEB-SITE accentuare

il rapporto tra Ark del Noah, l'altro due arks del Torah, e la salute.....Il

collegamento è facilitated capire ciò l'Essenes di Qumran ha redatto le

Scritture Sacre del loro giorno [primo BC de secolo e la prima INSERZIONE

di secolo] per fare sembla che il Vegetarianism e l'altra salute buona praticano

è esistito poiché Adam ed Eve [chi erano, certo, Vegetarians] e promoverà

la vita lunga [i patriarchi di pre-inondazione] ed ha aumentato la capacità

mentale [Daniel].

.....L'altro importa: il consiglio di salute, il figlio di Joseph reale storico di Jacob, il Moses

storico della Bibbia, la verita dell'ark di Noah e l'Inondazione Universale, e la Bibbia la più

nuova Codifica, il Camelot ed Israele Inglese, il Jesus l'Essene, UFOs - OVNI, i codici

dell'Elenco dello Schindler.

....Nuovo per l'anno 2000: Il messaggio del cielo riguardare di Papa, l'identità reale di

Satan, introdurre l'Antichrist di Età Nuovo, e Come Christ era tentato.


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