
Why Gen.1and 2:1-3 are necessary and fitting [although MYTH]

  Without boring you with a whole library full of historical data and form criticism, which would "turn off" most normal people in less than two minutes, let me just summarize the assumed history of the earliest Jews or Israelites as follows:

 The earliest Jew that can really be traced back genealogically with any confidence is a man named Jacob who had his name changed to Israel after wrestling with an angel... Thereafter his children, which may or may not have been 12, were called The Children of Israel. ..

.Only one of these children amounted to much in the real world of those days, a dreamer and astrologer named Joseph in the Bible, and Yuya in the contemporary history of the 13th or 14th century BCE Egyptians....

.Yuya/Joseph because of his psychic talents [Bible] and administrative abilities [History] ruled Egypt as Grand Visier to two Pharaohs, Amenhotep II and Amenhotep III. ...He apparently invited his father and brothers and their extended families to Egypt during a famine, where they raised cattle in the eastern Nile delta region.

 Most critics assume that these Hebrew families learned a lot of Egyptian Theology, not the other way around. ....Yuya married an Egyptian woman [Asenath in the Bible] and besides several half-Egyptian sons Ephriam and Manasseh that the Bible tells us about, had a very pretty daughter named Tiye, who, because Yuya/Joseph lived in the royal palace, grew up with and played with Amenhotep III when he was a young teenager. ...At that time Pharoah's family was considered to be a god's family, and the sons married their own sisters, since no other family was "divine"........Other wives were permitted also, so Yuya/Joseph's daughter Tiye married Amenhotep III while his younger sister was growing to an age where she could become the Royal First Wife the Queen......One of the children of Amenhotep III and Tiye [half-Hebrew] was the real Moses of history, Amenhotep IV, alias Akhenaten, the "heretic" pharaoh, and first Monotheist.

 Hidden as a baby, Akhenaten/Moses ruled Egypt for a while when his father was older, but the real power was with Nefertiti, his full-blooded Egyptian half - sister [Miriam of the Bible]......Akhenaten was an individualist and a Monotheist, and closed down most of the temples of Egypt, so the nobles and priests forced him into exile, while Nefertiti and Tutankamen [their son] ruled Egypt.......King Tut died young, his uncle ruled for a while, and after about 30 years in exile Akhenaten/Moses tried unsuccessfuly to regain his throne...

The priests and nobles would not accept him as Pharaoh, but he was allowed to go back into the wilderness with his Hebrew relatives and those Egyptians who had agreed with his Monotheistic ideas.

 .The crossing of the wilderness may be mostly myth, but after perhaps several hundred years the descendents of the original immigrants from Egypt, who were living in what is now Jordan, infiltrated into the mountainous areas of Canaan, where they still tended sheep and cattle and competed with the farmers in the valleys. ....They still clung to Akhenaten/Moses' Monotheistic ideas, at least part of the time, and had a tent for a portable "temple" that contained Commandments and Rules which codified these Religious principles....It is quite likely that the Seventh day Sabbath began to be kept soon after these Children of Israel left Egypt with Akhenaten/Moses.......So now they had two elements to their unique religion which were destined to cause their descendents, the Jews, no end of trouble through the subsequent history of the world, their belief in One God Who never changes His rules, [Commandment 1-3 of the Decalogue] and A Unique day of Worship [Commandment 4 of the Decalogue] not kept by anyone else!

 ..Most of the exploits of Joshua son of Nun are demonstratably fictitious, but he apparently did get a lot of people circumcised,and built a large rough stone altar in what became Samaria..... David, the warrior king, was the one who first made Israel a real nation, and his son Solomon utilized a rare peaceful period in the Middle East to bring together stories from all over the civilized world and a priestly scribal group utilized whatever they thought would be useful to them and to Solomon's kingdom.....

.Many of these stories were Sumerian, and were real history before editing, and even after much editing, some real history remains......The 2d story of Creation, [which begins with Genesis 2:4 or 5] is adapted from this Sumerian history, as are parts of Genesis 1 to 2:3.

 Some of the predecessors of the Essenes of Qumran were among those who worked on the original Bible for King Solomon, and they particularly claimed Zadoc or Sadoc of King David's reign as one of their own........1000 years later, these dedicated scribes and holy men were still "editing" the scriptures, as Solomon had authorized them to, but now there were severe penalties, perhaps even death in some cases, if anyone caught them actually changing the "meaning" of these Holy Scriptures!


 Creation story II

As compared with Creation Story I

 In Creation story II, there is no INFERRED WEEK for the events, the events are localized to a garden called EDEN, and Eve is created after Adam, and is Adam's helper, not his equal!

The animals are created by God one at a time, and Adam, God's assistant, gets to name them as they are created...

 Although Adam is glad that Eve has been created, she is left out of this companionship between Adam and God,

And apparently the two are not expected to"be fruitful and multiply", and don't even "know"each other sexually until evicted from the Sumerian E.DIN,

[home of the ELOHIM].


 King James Bible


 Hebrew Bible


 Gen.2:4 "These are the

generations of the heavens

and of the earth when they

were created, in the day

that the Lord God made

the earth and the heavens.

5 And every plant of the

field before it was in the

earth, and every herb of

the field before it grew:

for the Lord God had not

caused it to rain upon the

earth, and there was not

a man to till the ground.

6 But there went up a mist

from the earth, and water-

ed the whole face of the



allows modern scholars,

by the style, and other

"clues" used by the edi-

tors, to decide when

something was written,

and by whom.

Thus we can know, due

to clay tablets with

wedge shaped writing

[Cuneiform] much older

than the Bible, that our

ancesters were,

indeed CREATED!

 Gen.2:4 "Such is the story

of heaven and earth when

they were created.

.....When the Lord God

made earth and heaven --

5 when no shrub of the

field was yet on earth and

no grasses of the field had

yet sprouted, because the

Lord God had not sent

rain upon the earth and

there was no man to till

the soil,

6 but a flow would

would well up from the

ground and water the

whole surface of the


 7 And the Lord God

formed man of the dust of

the ground, and breathed

into his nostrils the breath

of life; and man became a

living soul.

 The picture above and

below give the details!

Sumerian picture seals.

 7 the Lord God formed

man from the dust of the

earth. He blew into his

nostrils the breath of life,

and man became a living


 8 And the Lord God

planted a garden eastward

in Eden; and there he put

the man whom he had


9 And out of the ground

made the Lord God to

grow every tree that is

pleasant to the sight, and

good for food; the tree of

life also in the midst of the

garden, and the tree of

knowledge of good and


An accurate site

description in Genesis 2:

10-14,with several of the

rivers named, allows us

to know the Garden of

Eden was located in

ancient Sumer [Iraq].


The tree of knowledge.

And the tree of LIFE.

 8 The Lord God planted

a garden in Eden, in the

east, and placed there the

man whom He had


9 And from the ground the

Lord God caused to grow

every tree that was

pleasing to the sight and

good for food, with the

tree of life in the middle

of the garden, and the

tree of knowledge

of good and bad.

 15 And the Lord God

took the man, and put him

into the garden of Eden to

dress it and to keep it.

16 And the Lord God

commanded the man,

saying, Of every tree of

the garden thou mayest

freely eat: 17 But of the

tree of the knowledge of

good and evil, thou shalt

not eat of it: for in the day

that thou eatest thereof

thou shalt surely die.

Even if we had only these

ancient pictures to go by,

the creation of mankind

would be clear enough,

but fortunately we also

have text to go with the

pictures,text that scholars,

like Zechariah Sitchin

can read and interpret! 

Above is a doctor,..

and some of his treat-

ments and medicines!

 15 The Lord God took

the man and placed him in

the garden of Eden, to till

it and tend it.

16 And the Lord God

commanded the man,

saying, "Of every tree of

the garden you are free

to eat;

17 but as for the tree

of knowledge of good and

bad, you must not eat of

it; for as soon as you eat

of it, you shall die."

 18 And the Lord God

said, It is not good that

the man should be alone;

I will make him an help

meet for him.

19 And out of the ground

the Lord God formed

every beast of the field,

and every fowl of the air;

and brought them unto

Adam to see what he

would call them: and

whatsoever Adam called

every living creature, that

was the name thereof.

20 And Adam give names

to all cattle, and to the

fowl of the air, and to

every beast of the field;

but for Adam there was

not found an help meet

for him.

The Sumerian pictures

and texts reveal that the

ELOHIM knew how to

splice genes and do in-

vitro fertilization..... 

They did indeed create,

in their laboratories, all

of domestic farm animals,

grains and cereals useful

for food, and mankind

capable of speech and


However, the story is

that the original humans

were incapable of

reproduction, like mules,

and some hybrid plants!

 18 The Lord God said,

"It is not good for man to

be alone; I will make a

fitting helper for him."

19 And the Lord God

formed out of the earth all

the wild beasts and all the

birds of the sky, and

brought them to the man

to see what he would

call them; and whatever

the man called each living

creature, that would be

its name.

20 And the man gave

names to all the cattle

and to the birds of

the sky and to all the

wild beasts;

but for Adam

no fitting helper

was found.

 =21 And the Lord God

caused a deep sleep to

fall upon Adam, and he

slept: and he took one of

his ribs, and closed up the

flesh instead thereof.

22 And the rib, which

the Lord God had taken

from man, made he a

woman, and brought her

to the man.

23 And Adam said, This

is now bone of my bones,

and flesh of my flesh: she

shall be called Woman,

because she was taken

out of Man....

25 And they were both

naked, the man and his

wife, and were not


The picture below is an

Indian picture from South

America, but may have

had a Sumerian original. 

It shows in the center

an anesthetized [or dead]

individual being operated

on, with a baby [top]

resulting...A situation

similar to that described

in Genesis 2:21, 22.

Sumerian history shows

that Lord EA finally

made LULUs,

human servants, that

could reproduce....this

occurs in the Bible, in

Genesis chapter 4.

 21 So the Lord God cast

a deep sleep upon the man;

and,while he slept, He took

one of his ribs and closed

up the flesh at that spot.

22 And the Lord God

fashioned the rib that He

had taken from the man

into a woman; and He

brought her to the man.

23 Then the man said,

"This one at last

Is bone of my bones

And flesh of my flesh.

This one shall be called

Woman, For from man

was she taken."

25 The two of them were

naked, the man and his

wife, yet they felt no


 Solomon's original editors, although scribes and scholars of a sort, had an audience in mind for their "Holy Book" that was localized and had specific needs which were political as well as religious.

And the priests among them, as priests have always done, wanted to insure a good living and continued imployment for their descendants!

It is my assumption, that my own research and form criticism bears out, that Solomon's Bible did not contain what is now Genesis 1 and 2:1-3, but only the adapted "Creation of human slaves" story....

Quite likely it contained the whole sordid tale of "Sin" being Eve's fault, and the implied idea that sexual intercourse was what caused man to lose immortality...

Because these are age-old priestly prejudices also...Priests find marriage inconvenient for more practical reasons, but are adept at making "God" the authority for their own ideas!

 The omission of everything in the original creation story from Sumer of a hopeful nature, that would prophetically predict a brighter future for man as a whole, made it necessary for the Essenes of Qumran in general, and Yeshua ben Miriam[Jesus Christ to Gentiles] more specifically,

to edit in Genesis 1 and 2:1-3 as late as the early first century CE.

 By virtue of His changes to the "Creation Story" He became known to the Essenes [by Greek-style reasoning] as the "Real" Creator....

And by changing the 4th Commandment from the wording in Deuteronomy 5:14, 15 to that now found in Exodus 20:8-11, Yeshua ben Miriam became, in His day, "Lord of the Sabbath Day".

And by another well-known Jewish tradition, that the "Torah" existed as God's "advisor" before the creation, by actually changing the "Torah", Jesus replaced "Wisdom" in that tradition!


Yeshua ben Miriam: Lord of the Sabbath Day

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