they cooperated in forming the group known The "Gospel Pesher" decodes the Temptation of Christ.


"Gospel Pesher"

would be unknown around the world if it were

not for a woman, an Australian Professor of

Religion at Sydney University in Australia.

Other people besides Doctor Barbara Thiering, PhD, have suspected

that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were Essenes at some point in

their careers, or at least had a lot of contact with Essenes, but Doctor

Thiering came up with the "key" to show that this was so.

In 1992 "Jesus the Man" was published in Australia and

Great Britain and "Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea

Scrolls" in the US by HarpurSanFrancisco...showing how

GOSPEL PESHER....which can be thought of as FORM


reveals the details of the REAL LIFE of Jesus Christ .


The Gospel Pesher reveals:

That YES, both John

the Baptist and Jesus

were trained by the

Essene Sect at Qumran,

where John the Baptist

was equivalent to a mod-

ern POPE, and Jesus

was for 3 1/2 years the

King Messiah or Mes

-siah of David...what is

hard for some to accept

is that Jesus's position

with the Essenes was

more POLITICAL than


Once we know about Essene "Politics"

the so-called "Temptation of Christ" takes

on real meanings not even imagined before!

Barbara Thiering studied the Dead Sea Scrolls for 20

years, compared what was in them with the New Test-

ament and with contemporary writings of Greece and

Rome and Josephus, and began to recognize New Test

-ament characters by their real names and identities.

The "Lier" and the "Seekers after smooth things"

These common Dead Sea Scroll terms were used to describe Jesus Christ

and his Liberal Essene Party by his stricter, more nationalistic opponants.

As anyone who seeks office knows, POLITICIANS are not loved by those of another

political party, no matter how well they govern.....Politics is based on COMPETITION,

and Jesus at Qumran was competing with others who wanted His job as "Messiah of

David", and wanted His influence, and were disturbed by the decisions He made that

affected their lives, and in their opinion lowered the standards of the Essenes.

Jesus was able, in just 3 1/2 years at Qumran, to start ESSENISM

along a MORE LIBERAL PATH that saw Gentiles and Women

allowed to do things and achieve status as Essenes that the more

strict "Pope" John the Baptist never would have allowed!

As in modern Jewish politics, leaders back then formed coal-

itions in order to achieve political power and reign or govern...

In Jesus's case, his two political partners were both Zealots...

Romans were killed in Jerusalem in one of their many "demonst-

rations" against foreign rule, and all THREE were crucified!

Jesus was a "pacifist", but He was "in charge" so

He "died for his friends"...More specifically, he took the

place of Theudas [Barabbas], whose release was arranged by paying

Pilate a bribe with Essene money.


of the Gospels, and it was HE

who "tempted" Christ! The MAJOR

"clue" but not the only one, is that Judas is said to

be possessed by Satan by two of the Gospel writ-

ers, John and Luke....The occasion is that shown in

this old picture, the betrayal of Jesus.

John 13:27 "And after the sop [given to Judas at the Last Supper]

Satan entered into him. ....Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest,

do quickly."

Luke 22:3 "Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being

of the number of the twelve. 4 And he went his way, and communed with

the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them.

5 And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. 6 And he

promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the

absence of the multitude."

Careful reading and attention to details is part of the "Gospel Pesher" technique...

Judas obviously did not have time to make these arrangements the evening of the

Last Supper, so he was "possessed by Satan" more than once, perhaps all the

time. ...By reading Mark 14:1-11, we discover that Judas made these arrange-

ments the day Jesus attended a feast at Simon the leper's house, and a woman

anointed Jesus's head with an alabaster box of spikenard ointment....on this occasion

Simon the leper, Jesus, and Judas are all together at an official feast, a feast at

which Jesus is annointed on the head, like a King would be!

By lots of detective work, such as we have just

started on here, coupled with a knowledge of

Essene customs and procedures, the THREE

LEADERS at Qumran of the Non-Priestly

Essenes from 29 AD to 33 AD are found to be:

Simon the "Leper"

or SIMON the Pharisee,


the "Fisherman"....

A Samaritan High Priest

the "Pope"

Jesus, "David


Judas Iscariot

the one who carried

the "Money Bag"

the POWER behind

the THRONE, the


All Three were later crucified, because they were

"the government" the ones "in charge" when

Romans were killed in 32-33 AD.

The CRITICAL lines for understanding that it was JUDAS who "tempted"

Jesus early on, when He accepted the position of MESSIAH, are found

in Luke's Account...."All this POWER will I give thee, and the glory

of them; FOR THAT IS DELIVERED UNTO ME; and to whomsoever

I will I give it."

From this Gospel and the others, we know that all the MONEY was "delivered"

to JUDAS, and he "gave it" to those who needed it....He had the position of

an Essene Presbyter or Moneyman...Anyone requiring MONEY had to ask

him for it....and sometimes Essene money was used for bribes and for illegal

acts of WAR and VIOLENCE...all part of the REAL [but hidden]


It is only because Jesus survived crucifixion, partly because of medical help and intervention in the crucifixion process most evident in John's Gospel, that we are reading this story....Simon the "leper" survived also, and again became "Pope" [Pope "John"]. Judas, ah yes..Judas!..that Devil hanged himself!.


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