"CHEAP GRACE" is an old-fashioned term used by early Seventh-day Adventists.  It was used to separate themselves from what they called 'Nominal Christians', IE., those who called themselves Christians but did not follow Jesus Christ either in Seventh-day Sabbath observance or in other evidences of a changed life deemed important in those former days. Nowadays, Seventh-day Adventists have a list of doctrines quite similar to other Fundamentalist Trinitarians, but add to these keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath holy instead of Sunday, non-belief in a "Secret rapture", and an emphasis on vegetarianism and "Health reform' derived mainly from the writings of Ellen G. White.

Jesus promised his Essene listeners in 33 AD

"Where I am, there ye (the Essenes) may be also." John 14:3



a temporary 

Theological Delusion!

      In retrospect, major clues were inserted by the ESSENE JESUS into Ellen Harmon’s first vision, soon after the 1844 disappointment, that ESSENES were responsible for these visions.  

All the VERBAL SIGNS are there.  To those with any knowledge of ESSENE TERMINOLOGY the connection should be obvious!


"While I was praying at the family altar, the Holy Ghost fell upon me, and I seemed to be rising higher and higher, far above the dark world.”

The Essenes were a separatist group in 1st century Judaism that sold their “worldly goods” and lived holy lives in monasteries, such as the now well-known monastery at Qumran, by the Dead Sea.

---above the dark world.”  The Essenes always contrasted their superior “light” with those false doctrines taught by “the sons of darkness” [everyone else in the benighted word!]






The major theme or subject of Essene discourses, 

in the very first scene description of Ellen's first 

vision!  Coincidence?  Hardly!


I turned to look for the Advent people in the world, but could not find them, when a voice said to me, ‘Look again, and look a little higher.’  At this I raised my eyes, and saw a straight and narrow path, cast up high above the world.”  

The Essenes called this “path” the WAY, and it’s general meaning was changed in their minds and in their usage to mean the specific doctrines and rules of the strictest ESSENES, the priestly ESSENES who lived in monasteries like Qumran, and in the Essene quarter of Jerusalem.  And indeed there were some of them in every village of Judea, Samaria, and Galilee.

On this path [the Essene WAY]  the Advent people were traveling to the city [ in Essene terminology there were two cities of Jerusalem, the old walled city of Jerusalem, and the ‘New’ Jerusalem at Qumran ] which was at the farther end of the path.” These two ‘Jerusalems’ were only 14 miles apart, separated by desert walking trails, and generally there were Essenes walking these trails many nights, the more so when an Essene feast celebration was approaching or just ended.






They had a bright LIGHT set up behind them [the example and rigid doctrines and dietary rules of the vegetarian ESSENES]  at the beginning of the path [ again the ‘path’ is the very strict Essene ‘WAY’], which an angel told me was the midnight cry [ in the Essene family that Jesus was born into in 7 BC near Qumran, ‘midnight’ was the proper time for prophecies to be fulfilled: other families and some of the priests thought other times to be the proper times].






This LIGHT shown all along the PATH [ the continued Essene diet and health regulations and Essene prophecies to be given Ellen Harmon White] and gave [ ESSENE] LIGHT to their feet so that they might not stumble.

  ‘Stumble’ is again used very specifically by Essene scribes in the now famous Dead Sea Scrolls - to ‘stumble’ meant to leave Essene doctrines and join the ‘dark world’ once again.  In this sense Adventists ‘stumbled’ in 1888 [with Ellen White’s approval and help].  And were ‘off the path’ by the mid-1950s.

      Once we clearly see in this SEQUENCE in Ellen White’s first vision in December 1844 that Adventists would be “off the ESSENE path [called “the WAY” by the Essenes], we can go to an 1856 vision (12 years later) and look for the details of this APOSTASY from their original “Essene” theology.  

      Although the language of what would happen in the 1950s seems archaic and very out-of-date to us today, it was accurately described.  That is a  point I am trying to make here.  Not that what happened was really right or wrong.  Perhaps it was just inevitable.

     Anyway, Ellen White warned against this "apostasy" 100 years before it happened.  In the very prophecy people have used to declare her a FALSE PROPHET!

    After the 1950s Adventists were no longer an Essene Church but an orthodox, Baptist styled church!

     Once we clearly see in this SEQUENCE in Ellen White’s first vision in December 1844 that Adventists would be “off the ESSENE path [called “the WAY” by the Essenes], we can go back to the 1856 vision and look for the details of this APOSTASY from their original “Essene” theology.  


      Once Seventh-day Adventists understand that it was the purpose of Jesus Christ to reestablish Essene doctrines, customs, and estheticism through Ellen White's visions and dreams, it becomes obvious that "CHEAP GRACE" is a delusion that Adventists were never intended to slide back into, having once left the other churches to which this delusion was given.

      The Essenes, besides being very strict "Legalists" in regards to Seventh-day Sabbath-keeping, were also strict vegetarians.  And noted for their long lives, and better than average health, as are modern Adventists who follow Ellen White's "Health Reform" instructions (given to her by the Essene Jesus).   Until the Dead Sea Scrolls were pieced together and translated, researchers didn't know the Essenes were astrologers, but now we have examples of their Horoscopes among the Dead Sea Scrolls.  

       Once I learned this I was able to determine a number of examples of their Millennial Week prophecy that they have edited into both the Old and New Testaments.  One in Genesis 1 and 2:1-3.  One in the Exodus version of the Fourth Commandment.  One in Daniel chapter 12. One in John chapter 7.  One in Matthew chapter 13, using parables of Jesus to illustrate the 7 millennial days.  And one in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 using the "Letters to the 7 churches.  And the sneakiest of all, one hidden in Paul's "Agape" essay of 1 Corinthians chapter 13.   The "Millennial Week" is based on Essene Astrology, with two millennial days of 1000 years each for each Age of the Zodiac.   2 days in Taurus, 2 days in Aries, 2 days in Pisces, and 1 day (the Sabbath millennium) in Aquarius.  Once this is understood, then one can see to what extent  William Miller was mislead, and why making predictions about dates for Christ's "Second Coming" are futile.   And now it becomes possible to "see through" the deceptive symbolism on pages 280 onward of Early Writings.

     "As Jesus moved out of the most holy place, [where He had earlier gone to show Ellen White she must teach Adventists to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath holy, as did the Essenes -- Bob Holt] I heard the tinkling of the bells upon His garment; --- [had Adventist scholars done what scholars are supposed to do, read Josephus and contemporary historians of Jesus' day, they would have known that Jesus was an Essene long before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.   They would have definitely known about their strict Sabbath observance, their holiness and accurate prophecies, and surmised they were vegetarians --- the Essenes, writes Josephus, didn't go to the Jewish temple, but had their own feast-day celebrations, wearing only their famous white garments.  One message of the "tinkling bells" upon Jesus priestly garment was that He was abandoning his Seventh-day Adventist Essene project and instead moving to help the Jews regain their ancestral home-land.  Which he accomplished before 1950, while the Adventists were totally returning to "CHEAP GRACE" -- the next phrase confirms this: " and as He left [the Adventists, the ones who watched him enter the most holy place], a cloud of darkness covered the inhabitants of the earth.   There was then no mediator between guilty man and an offended God. [Since "CHEAP GRACE" totally relies on Jesus' mediation as a sacrificial lamb, -- read this as "no more cheap grace"] While Jesus had been standing between God and guilty man, a restraint was upon the people; but when He stepped out from between man and the Father, the restraint was removed, and Satan had entire control of the finally impenitent."

     Following this, Ellen White launches into a terrifying description of the seven last plagues and how miserable people will be now entirely under the rule of Satan, but I do not find it necessary to add to this mental terror campaign because by doing "Bible Codes" and learning the true history of the Essene Jesus who was also at the same time a King of Kashmir riding around on an Indian God's private aircraft, I know that neither Jesus or his divine "Father" were and are as intolerant as Ellen White was impressed to write they are.   Jesus' "Father" also poses as "Satan" when He feels it necessary to do so, so we have all been under the rule of "Satan" all along.   It turns out that Lord Shiva, alias both "Satan" and Jesus' "Father" has paid little heed to "CHEAP GRACE" all along, so this has always been a delusion of sorts.   More about this on our NEXT PAGE!

Lord Shiva and "CHEAP GRACE"


NEXT ALSO: What Ellen White DIDN'T KNOW!

"The Blind leading the Blind"