

Kings of Kashmira OT and NT Bible

"Early Writings"

The one capable of telling this story, is, of course, yours truly, Dr. Robert F. Holt, MD.

Not only because he has become proficient in all types of Bible Codes, but because he was chosen as "Jayanta" of the Kashmiri prophecy. ...And because as a Seventh-day Adventist Medical Doctor and Health Educator he has lived the story in REAL TIME!

I, Bob Holt, MD, MPH, cannot expect others to

follow me down the trail to ultimate TRUTH

unless you hear the story of how I, myself,

got here! ......So here it is!

Graduated from Columbia Union College in 1967 (high honors)

Attended Loma Linda University School of Medicine and School of Health (MD, MPH in 1971)

In Private Medical Practice upstate New York, then ER group practice (NC) until 1998. (Now retired)

In 1986-1987 I started seeing "Fying Saucers" (Stationary Lights that acted "abnormally"). Since then I have seen two daylight UFOs. And in 1989 I helped Ron Wyatt in his efforts to find and excavate the "Ark of the Covenant". ...In 1990 I visited the remains of Noah's Ark with David Fasold.

My initial interest in "Sanctuary" subjects was due to my Adventist upbringing. Slowly I learned to accept the "TRUTH" that the original "Ark" was Egyptian. And that "Moses", as an Egyptian prince, was ordering a copy made in the wilderness.

Eventually I learned, (by directed critical reading of the Bible itself) that Pharaoh Shishak of Egypt, soon after Solomon died, "repossessed" the golden ark, melted it down, and used the money to fight his wars.

I still believe that broken pieces of the original "Ten Command- ments" are hidden at an Essene site in the wilderness!

My adventures with Ron Wyatt in 1989 and with David Fasold in 1990 led me to learn Scuba diving, and investigate the "crossing site" suggested by Wyatt part way down the Gulf of Aquaba.... But later I learned that there were two crossings made to appear as one by Bible editors. .... I learned to be a "form critic" of Bible texts.

In 1990 in Jerusalem, Israel, I bought and read Ahmed Osmon's Moses, Pharaoh of Egypt, and learned some more important lessons about how the Bible has been changed by priestly editors more interested in their own power and sumptious living than in real historical "TRUTH". Osmon's careful investigation of real Egyptian records proved "Moses" and Akhenaten to be one and the same person!

By simply accepting the obvious, not arguing about it for a millenium or so, it is possible to say that the Exodus from Egypt occurred about 1330 BC, and involved not millions of people, but perhaps several thousand!

Meanwhile, I descovered that my fellow Adventists were now more interested in playing golf, and staying out of any theological argument, than learning any new "TRUTH" about any thing. The spirit of the Adventist "pioneers" was indeed DEAD!

Also from Ahmed Osmon's research, the REAL JOSEPH was named "Yuya" and was "Moses" grandfather! (Cancelling out a lot of numerological nonesense!) Yuya's daughter Tiye was a secondary wife of Amenhotep 3. Their son Amenhotep 4 was "Moses"!

By 1992 I had purchased Dr. Barbara Thiering's Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls and I learned to do "Gospel Pesher". In 1997 along came Michael Drosnin's The Bible Code, so I learned to do "Bible Computer Codes" also.

In the Spring of 1995 I went to India and Kashmir, viewed the local evidence that Jesus indeed lived there before and after his crucifixion (and resurrection), and that Kashmir might indeed be considered to be "Heaven", by those living in the desert (the Essenes) and by city-dwellers in the Roman Empire.

In 2002 Sue Olsson sent me the book on the left, and by then I was able to interpret its stories of Jesus as Meghaváhana and Pravarasena I!

So you see, I am neither a particularly gifted

or exceptionally "evil" person. Just not a

closed-mind person who shuts out every avenue

of knowledge not "sanctioned" by one's own

church, or organized Christianity as a whole.

NOW for the REAL STORY of how the Church that trained me medically for 20+ years of medical practice (and to search for TRUTH at whatever cost) was manipulated by other- worldly forces who had a definate AGENDA!

The New Essenes!