EATING is for many people the world over their chief pleasure, the way they celebrate LIVING, and most other occasions worth CELEBRATING!

And in America in particular, and some other countries as well, if the MEAT is not on the plate, it is not yet a meal .....

And if there is not a rich and plentiful DESSERT, What's to CELEBRATE?

This attitude and this situation MUST CHANGE if you are SERIOUSLY


or other people will be celebrating


with mournful songs and hopeful words perhaps perhaps from your Rabbi, priest, or minister, LONG BEFORE it needed to happen!

Basically we become OVERWEIGHT because we EAT TOO MUCH of the wrong foods

[meat, greasy foods, rich desserts], and do not get enough exercise.

We also eat the wrong amounts at the wrong times of day, and do not eat enough of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that could help us live longer and more


Finally, we need to find one or more substitutes for the PLEASURE we get from EATING!

To continue 7 Way Diet