Who in the World would

ever want the "position" of

a "man with a dirt-brush"?

The "Man with the

dirt-brush" spans at

least 150 years, Wm.

Miller, EGW, and I!

Ellen White's account of the "Man with a dirt-brush" is on pages 81-83 of E.Writings.

I don't know when exactly Jesus

started to consider me seriously for

the position of "the Man with the dirt-

brush" but I was well on my way in

1990 as I stood on the "dirt" deck of

what remains of Noah's Ark in 1990.

And studying big-time for the position in

1992 and afterward as I learned Gospel

Pesher...But the "Final Exam" was learning

Hebrew Letters and to do the Bible Code!

The "job" of the "Man with the dirt-brush" is to

separate myth from reality, "Truth" from error,

useful from useless, "Tradition" from "God's Will"

and what Jesus really wants from us, from what

we fondly hope we can get for nothing!

Everybody in the world but Jesus, and perhaps a few others,

will HATE the "Man with the dirt-brush"! ....It goes with the

TERRITORY! ....It's part of the JOB DESCRIPTION!

In 1919 (14 years before I was born) a room-full of Seventh-day Adventist teachers, administrators, Conference Presidents, and people who had known Ellen G. White, (dead now 4 years) met at South Lancaster, Mass. to consider the "job" of the "Man with a dirt brush"....They debated, they made recommendations, then they hid the notes of that meeting, and went on doing things as before as if the meeting had never taken place..  Some of the items discussed.  "Errors and contradictions in Scripture". And how Ellen White's writings had been edited to sell books, not reflect her true opinions

...The false picture of "infallibility" ministers were using to promote her as the ultimate Prophet.. The laziness of newer ministers in basic study, it now being easier to say.."Ellen White said this".."God's Prophetess said that. " .Many there knew that much of her work was copied from other authors...And much was the work of anonymous committees....All this, and much more...on and on...then they "shelved" the notes of their discussion and forgot the conference had taken place.

Much of what is on this Web-Site could have been done, indeed

should have been done by Seventh-day Adventists 80 years ago,

right after that 1919 conference...We are all paying a high price for

that neglect of duty....But no-one wanted the job...Now it's MINE!

The recurring "Dream" of William Miller,

Ellen G. White, and now, Robert F. Holt, MD.

"Early Writings" page 81

"I dreamed that God, by an unseen hand, sent me a curiously

wrought casket about ten inches long by six square, made of

ebony and pearls curiously inlaid." (Black and white, good and

evil mixed together, the "tree of knowledge")

"To the casket there was a key attached...I immediately took

the key and opened the casket.." (God's Prophets, and indeed

any honest searcher after the Truth will discover all they are

prepared to accept, to others it is all "riddles or parables!")

"when, to my wonder and surprise, I found it filled with all

sorts and sizes of jewels, diamonds, precious stones, and gold

and silver coin of every dimension and value, beautifully

arranged in their several places in the casket; and thus

arranged they reflected a light and glory equaled only by

the sun." (Truth is always beautiful to its discoverer!)

"I thought it was not my duty to enjoy this wonderful sight

alone, although my heart was overjoyed at the brilliancy,

beauty, and value of its contents......I therefore placed it on

a center table in my room, and gave out word that all who

had a desire might come and see the most glorious and

brilliant sight ever seen by man in this life."

(So has every prophet since Moses made an effort, found it

to be his or her duty, to show the World the beautiful new

Truth just discovered...as did later William Miller, and then

Ellen G. White.)

"The people began to come in, at first few in number, but

increasing to a crowd......When they first looked into the

casket, they would wonder and shout for joy." (This now

includes Pentecostals and "Celebration" Adventists.) "But when

the spectators increased, every one would begin to trouble

the jewels, taking them out of the casket and scattering them

on the table." (In Ellen White's case, her books were "compiled"

and rewritten and thereby multiplied into a vast financial empire.)

"I began to think that the owner would require the casket and

the jewels again at my hand;.." (Jesus' parable of the talents.)

"...and if I suffered them to be scattered,.." ("Cast not your pearls

before swine..") "I could never place them in their places in the

casket again as before;.." (To some of us, the "committee written"

Desire of Ages and Great Controversy will never equal in beauty

Early Writings and Spiritual Gifts.) "and I felt I should never be

able to meet the accountability, for it would be immense." (The

accountability at least considered momentarily 4 years after Ellen

White's death, at the 1919 So. Lancaster conference."

"I then began to plead with the people not to handle them, nor

take them out of the casket; but the more I pleaded, the more

they scattered;.." (First Sister Ellen herself, then her "estate"

again and again protested that she was not "infallible" and only

one of many of God's "messengers"...and that her writings should

not be used in place of good historical and Biblical research.)

"---and now they seemed to scatter them all over the room, on

the floor and on every piece of furniture in the room."

(Almost every "offshoot" movement in Adventism, good or bad,

preservative or destructive, ultra-conservative or fanatical, has

used Ellen White's "words" to further their own ends!)

"I then saw that among the genuine jewels and coin they

had scattered an innumerable quantity of spurious jewels

and counterfeit coin." (Here we must pause and reflect upon

the fact, almost concealed in how this dream is related, that

it is not Ellen White's dream that is here related, but William

Miller's Dream! ....Look now at the heading in the middle of

page 81, and it clearly says..."William Miller's Dream."

Taken literally and historically, as most scholars today with

their seminary training would do it, it is WILLIAM MILLER

who should here be objecting to his "dream" being trashed

and misused, with numbers being changed, and his earthly

sanctuary being "converted" by Hiram Edson and Ellen White

into a "heavenly sanctuary", his "God" now converted to a

"High Priest" and his Sunday Sabbath declared to be the

wrong day on which to worship!....Obviously the ultimate "Man

with the dirt-brush" must take all of this into account, and say

more than William Miller's views are at stake, and more than

Ellen White's views are at stake, and more than what Ellen

White's Church has done with her writings are at stake! ....

William Miller derived his prophecies from the Bible, with no

"visions" that we know of, only Bible Study, unfettered by the

"dirt" of thousands of years of accumulated traditions....He

thereby was given a new "casket of jewels" and the key to

unlock the box he received. ....The counterfeit coin and spurious

jewels in William Miller's dream are in the Bible (wrongly inter-

preted) and in the "traditions" now held to be absolute dogma

derived from those wrong interpretations!

The "Man with the dirt-brush" must not shrink

from looking at what is in the Bible itself, and

throwing out the window that which proves to

be injurious or false!

Something that Adventists were unwilling to do in 1919, but which

I have done repeatedly on this Web-site.....Something that is very

essential as we enter the New Age of Aquarius, in which the Church

can no longer enforce "nonsense" by saying "It's in the Bible!"

Back to "Early Writings"..now page 82, mid-page.

"I was highly incensed at their base conduct and ingratitude,

and reproved and reproached them for it;..." (The language is here

too strong for Ellen White's situation, who didn't much mind that

the Church made lots of money from her deluded ideas, and hard

earned fame and imputed "holiness"...she died quite well-to-do.)

"...but the more I reproved, the more they scattered the spurious

jewels and false coin among the genuine." (It is the "Church"

that is now doing the "reproving" as others labeled "offshoots"

are using their "cash cow" to generate funds of their own and

earn tithes to support their own ministers often preaching at

odds to those trained at Andrews and hired by the General

Conference of Seventh-day Adventists!)

"I then became vexed in my physical soul, and began to use

physical force to push them out of the room;.." (Clearly never

the policy of either William Miller or Ellen G. White, who were

the recipients of pushing and shoving, not the ones who practiced

such un-Christ-like acts..)(But very clearly the recent policy of

several General Conference presidents, and their paid lawyers!)

"...but while I was pushing out one, three more would enter, and

bring in dirt, and shavings, and sand, and all manner of rubbish,

until they covered every one of the true jewels, diamonds, and

coins, which were all excluded from sight." (This last phrase,

"which were all excluded from sight", signals another necessary

change in interpretation...It is not now so much the "offshoots"

that are the problem, but "New Theology" learned at the feet of

respected teachers of other denominations, including the "Mother

Church"....No longer do our preachers preach "What William Miller

discovered..." or "What the Prophetess saw in vision..." but "Here

are the great "Truths" our forefathers thousands of years ago have

found, and we are preserving them, and should defend them..."

It is this very rubbish, and counterfeit coin, and spurious jewels,

William Miller ignored, and Ellen White saw in vision to reject,

that has become the cornerstone of her church's Theology, and

her theology is nowhere to be found, except occasionally in

"offshoot" literature, and by old folks who still read her first books.

"They also tore in pieces my casket, and scattered it among

the rubbish......I thought no man regarded my sorrow or my

anger.....I became wholly discouraged and disheartened, and

sat down and wept.....While I was thus weeping and mourning

for my great loss and accountability, I remembered God, and

ernestly prayed that He would send me help." (Although not

obvious in this dream, 150 years would go by in William Miller's

case, and 85 years in Ellen White's case, and about 50 years in

the Church's case, before that prayer would be answered!)

There are certain "key phrases" that a prophet or trained researcher looks for to identify a "change"that indicates the New Age, the "Age of Aquarius" ...the Third "Day", an "Open Door", the "City".

Here "the door opened".....

"Immediately the door opened, and a man (not an angel, not God,

not a High Priest, not Jesus) entered the room, when the people had

all left it;.." (What man? Well now, ANY man would do, except that

he must stay, and be willing to do the task required, rejected and

ignored, and perhaps not even seen as necessary by anyone else!

And, O yes, be still alive at the year 2000, the beginning of the New

Age in the eyes of almost everyone!)...."...and he having a dirt-brush

in his hand, opened the windows, " (Learned everything he could

from everyone who would teach him TRUTH and not ERROR,

this being not "orthodox" truth, of course, but literal Truth...)

"...and began to brush the dirt and rubbish from the room."

The Church's reaction, predictable and quick!

They can't do it, or won't do it, but then---neither should any-

one else attempt it!

"I (the Church) cried to him to forbear, for there were some

precious jewels scattered among the rubbish.....He told me to

"fear not", for he would "take care of them.".....Then, while he

brushed the dirt and rubbish, false jewels and counterfeit coin,

all rose and went out the window like a cloud, and the wind

carried them away." (The wind is another indicator of the dawn

of the Age of Aquarius, as in Jesus's parables of the house built

on rock and the house built on sand..Matt.7:24-27; Luke 6:47-49)

"In the bustle I closed my eyes for a moment;.." (Ellen White now

dead..)...."...when I opened them, the rubbish was all gone.

The precious jewels, the diamonds, the god and silver coins,

lay scattered in profusion all over the room." (And so, it seems,

some, even "off-shoots" had seen and preserved these "jewels"!)

"He (Yours truly, the "Man with the dirt-brush") then placed on

the table (everyone's "table", the Internet) a casket, (www.health-

ark.com) much larger and more beautiful than the former, and

gathered up the jewels, the diamonds, the coins, by the hand-

ful, and cast them into the casket, till not one was left,---

although some of the diamonds were not bigger than the point

of a pin." (Supported by binary computer code--symbolic dots

and dashes, electrons flashing off and on!)

"He then called upon me (those Christians living on in the New Age)

to "come and see." (www.healthark.com)

"I looked into the casket, but my eyes were dazzled with the sight."

(Ellen White died before television, and computers were undreamed

of, and the Internet beyond comprehension!)..."They shone with

ten times their former glory." (For example: I have shown here

that FAR from being an unfulfilled vision applied only to Adventists,

her first vision was an extremely accurate sequential account of

historical events and theology that covers 150 years time, and

includes the Pentecostal Revival, the Apostasy of Adventism (from

an Essene standpoint), WWII and the holocaust, the Atomic Bomb,

Israel becomes a state, UFO's, Ron Wyatt's discoveries, and the

dawn of a New Age!...certainly "10 times" what anyone else has

ever seen in this one vision before! ...And I'm not even really

started on "EARLY WRITINGS" yet...There's much more to go!

"I thought they had been scoured in the sand by the feet of those

wicked persons who had scattered and trod them in the dust....

They were arranged in beautiful order (sequentially, the Gospel

Pesher technique) in the casket, (www.healthark.com), every one

in its place, without any visible pains of the man who cast them

in. (I don't do the work, Jesus through the "Gospel Pesher" and

the "Torah Computer Codes" does the work!) I shouted with

very joy, and that shout awoke me."


The Usual Meaning of "Man with a Dirt Brush" is an 


and it was mostly Archaeologists  and other 

scholars with similar methods who excavated 

the Qumran Monastery and pieced together 

and translated the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Discoveries of the "Man with a Dirt Brush" Part 2