Resurrected and renovated 'End of the Age' Prophecies "Cafeteria Style" Prophecy!


This is a very old web page, and as I'm looking at it now, in August 2014, a full 15 years after I wrote it and put it on the Internet, it has a lot of nostalgic value to me, and perhaps to some others who may enjoy looking at tabloid pages that few people can remember in an "Age" gone by.  September of 2000 was only 1 year before 9-11-2001, the DATE that did indeed CHANGE OUR WORLD!



The "Song of Bernadette"

that was


and the Shepherds' Prophecies of


that were

Never Heard!


Because millions of people read this Tabloid article, generating priceless propaganda advantage for the Roman Catholic Church, we believe we have a right to criticise what the article says is true.

Because Bernadette Soubirous, the teen-age peasant girl from Lourdes, France, was canonized as a Roman Catholic Saint in 1933, some might think that the Church has given us all her messages!

However, the SUN Tabloid of May 30, 2000, on pages 14 and 15 presented a story supposedly "leaked" by a high-placed prelate in that Church that an earlier visitation by a Virgin Mary apparition was not only actively suppressed, but an attempt was made to burn the record!

As if this was not enough foul play on the Church's part for one issue, the same high-placed source said to the SUN Correspondant that similar messages to the Shepherd Children at Fatima were supressed!

IMPORTANT DISCLAMER: Please read before you SUE ME or cry Religious Prejudice!

If this is true, and one assumes there must be "some" truth to it, or the SUN would not risk the disapproval and possible boycott of its publication by one of the most powerful organizations in the world, an organ- ization that has banned and burned books and magazines for centuries,

...if this is TRUE, then the Church only uses those prophecies it sees as USEFUL to its program, and supportive of its Dogma, and other prophecies with just as "divine" an origin are suppressed!

For on the credibility and authority of Saint Bernadette's 1858 Visions hang two of the Church's most distinctive Dogmas, the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary and Papal Infallibility!

Neither of these two subjects will be debated on this Web-Site, but I am sure any Catholic Priest will explain to you where Saint Bernadette's Visions (the ones that were NOT suppressed), fit into this picture! DISCLAIMER: I am not a BIGOT!

I am including these visions in this "Set-Date" series, because there has been a "cover- up" on all these visions reaching from 1857 to 1958...over 100 years' time! The others filed away and ignored can be browsed at setdat2.htm (hidden Dead Sea Scrolls), setdat3.htm filed away letters of a dual vision at Fatima and Lourdes-April 1948 and setdat4.htm Pope Pius XII's"vision"and dream never publicised

The real problem with these "supress-ed" proph-ecies are they are Protestant or Jewish!

Assuming now that the suppressed Fatima prophecy is the same as that leaked to the SUN Tabloid and made available to millions of readers on May 30, 2000, then Catholicism's greatest modern prophets, in honor of whom great cathedrals have been built at Lourdes, France, and Fatima, Portugal BOTH made pro-Jewish prophecies, one in 1857 and one in 1917 and both were SUPRESSED until now! IMPORTANT Disclaimer

Here's how we will proceed: 1) We'll give the prophecies word for word as reported in the SUN (the ones supposed to be burned up)...

Then 2) We'll give the Papal explanation of what these prophecies mean and why they say they were "covered up"...

Then 3) We'll give OUR explanation of what these prophecies meant, which is completely in line with and consistent with the other "covered -up", filed-away, hidden for 40+ years, and failed to be publicized (until now) prophecies of this series!

The Virgin Mary now Speaking...

....."Open your hearts and hear the words of my son Jesus Christ.

Know this, that the time of the end draws nigh; These signs shall warn you - they are your salvation:

The antichrist is among you."

"His false prophet proclaims him from a dome in the east.

His minions speak to you daily with sweet words and promises; they are in your homes,

My Son said: 'Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, 'but now he says: 'Render naught unto Caesar, for he does the work of Satan.

Render all unto God thy Father in Heaven. the battle is nigh.

Prepare His way. ..The new Heaven and the new Earth is at hand.

The Lord our God is One.'"

Bernadette Soubirous was a sickly girl, and she later died of tuberculosis, perhaps never realizing why her Church ignored these great warnings, but picked up right away on her visions a year later in which the apparition said, "I am the immaculate conception."

NOW, almost 150 years later, the prelate who is leaking these prophecies explains them in the same manner as the "Counter-Reformation" prescribes.

Quoting now the SUN of May 30, 2000. .."The Holy Mother's words are very explosive," explains the emperiled prelate, speaking on condition of strict anonymity.

"She identifies the antichrist and rouses all believers to topple him and his henchmen from power to prepare the way of the Lord for the End Times.

"Political leaders know that her words would shatter the chain of lies which they have used to cloud the hearts and souls of the people of the world...Rather than allow the Blessed Virgin's truth to be spoken, they joined forces to supress these divine messages and keep God's children in the dark.

"I am speaking out now because Satan is poised to make his move and we must be ready to defeat him. ..The Evil One wants to take us by surprise, when our souls are vulnerable. ..I can't allow such a disaster to happen, even if it costs me my life."

Note that our source in the Vatican has neatly deflected the "blame" for the suppression of these prophecies from the "Church" to unknown parties that he declines to identify, but they are in governments, not in his church....Also the time is NOW, not in 1857, when Bernadettete heard these words from the apparition...why now? ...Because if it was before NOW, the Church, not somebody else, would be to blame!

"We continue now on page 15 of the May 30, 2000 SUN Tabloid: "It is clear that those who hold the reigns of power have tried to supress this divine message. ..It tells people to turn away from the things of this world, including their governments, and give all of their hearts and minds to Jesus to prepare for the Apocalyptic war against Satan.

"It identifies these governments and their leaders as antichrist and calls them the enemy of God."


"The purpose of Mary's message is to warn against the world government now being secretly built in the name of Satan by the antichrist, says the Vatican." (no more pretense now, we're getting this spoon-fed from the horse's mouth!)

"She warns us that the Battle of Armageddon is about to begin," he says. "The first sign is the formation of a world government which she identifies with the antichrist and when she speaks of his false prophet, she is referring to Vladimir Putin, who now rules under the domes of the Kremlin in Moscow.

"His minions are the politicians who spin their web of lies every day directly into our homes through the medium of television.

"Render naught unto Caesar' means we should immediately stop supporting these governments to break the stranglehold they have over us and turn our full attention to God. ..We must enlist in his Holy Army to defeat the forces of Satan."

This Vatican "source" is now identifying WHO the antichrist is, it is Vladimir Putin, and the "dome in the east" (of Rome) has become "domes in the northeast" (Moscow) ...we are now, kept tightly in check by this smooth-talking Vatican priest, firmly in the year 2000, not in the world of Febuary 11, 1857 (almost 150 years ago, long before there was a Soviet Russia, never mind "Vladimir Putin"!) Television was not even imagined, and even Radio had not yet been invented!

What shall we do about this? Why allow the Church to RULE once more, like they did in the Dark Ages! Credits and Disclaimer..Click Here!

"SUN Tabloid, May 2000, page 15, last column: "These are not comforting words. ..They are a call to action from God Himself, ,,,The Virgin Mother is His messenger and she chose the pure hearts of Saint Bernadette and the children of Fatima to warn us that we can no longer be cowards.

"We must raise our voices and our hands against the growing power of the antichrist by refusing to do the bidding of his political stooges.

"God chose me as the vehicle to reveal these truths even though I am only a humble priest. ...He works mysteriously because He knows that if our hearts are haughty we will not understand Him.

"He is telling us that power is evil, that polititians are the agents of Satan and that we must devote all our strength and resources to fighting them no matter what the cost." IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please read our DISCLAIMER before suing us!

This "humble priest" from the Vatican may indeed be none other than the "Black Pope" (head of the Jesuits)...Anyway, in spite of his pursuasive talents, he's an anacronism..a man from the past out of his time...Vladimir Putin cannot be set before this man's tribunal, then tortured and burned at the stake, nor can every other elected official in the world, until our "humble priest", together with his apparition of Mary, reigns SUPREME!

The sequence of Jesus returning once more after the the explosion of an atomic bomb at Hiroshima (1945) to help in the establishment of a Jewish state in Israel (May 1948) and turning His back on Catholicism, those persecuters of Judaism, Protestanism, and all Charismatic what is predicted in Saint Bernadette's first vision of February 11, 1857, a full 88 years before any of these things happened!

"Open your hearts and hear the words of my son Jesus Christ." (Instead of the words of the priests and the popes of the mid-1800s)

"Know this, that the time of the end draws nigh:.." (1945 is a lot closer to 1857 than is the year 2000...the "humble priest's" choice.)

"These signs shall warn you - they are your salvation:.." (A direct plea to Roman Catholics never delivered to them in 143 years!)

"The antichrist is among you." (In 1857, not in the year 2000 AD...This corresponds to the then Protestant view..The Papacy=Antichrist.)

"His false prophet proclaims him from a dome in the East." (The dome of Saint Peter's, surely familiar to Bernadette, is East of Lourdes.)

"His minions speak to you daily with sweet words and promises; they are in your homes." (Not TV in 2000, but Catholic priests in 1857)

"My Son said: 'Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's,' but now he says: 'Render naught unto Caesar, for he does the works of Satan." (Pope=Caesar)

"Render all unto God thy Father in Heaven. The Battle is nigh."(God the Father is Yahweh, God of the Jews.The Jews will win this battle!)

"Prepare His way. ..The new Heaven and the new Earth is at hand. (At hand in 1857, arrived 1945-1948, in Israel, not in Rome!)

"The Lord our God is One." (With a final swift surgical cut, the Virgin Mary declares herself an Orthodox Jew...No more Trinity!)



First Page in the "Set Date" Series

The Hidden and Suppressed Dead Sea Scrolls

Letters tell of other Fatima and Lourdes Visions

Pope Pius XII abducted to Qumran

The Red Angel's prophecy and Fulfillment

Animated Sequence of the Pope's Abduction
