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as revealed by the "Gospel Pesher" Codes


 excerpted from "Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls"

by Dr. Barbara Thiering, PhD


      The six real leaders were Judas Iscariot, Simon the Zealot, Thaddaus, Jacob of Alphaeus, Thomas, and Matthew."Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls --- page 77, 78

A New Pope in 29 AD

     "The two candidates for Pope were Simon Magus, for war, and Jonathan Annas, for peace. [The war envisioned was the "Holy War" of the Dead Sea Scrolls, promoted in the newly discovered "War Scroll"  1QM ]   page 78.

     "Jonathan became Pope immediately followingr the fall of the Baptist, as both the pesher and the Clementine books show.  He took from the Baptist the name and discipline of "Elijah" (that is, the life of a hermit).   Thus when Elijah appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration, speaking with Jesus, it was Jonathan."

      Judas Iscariot is the next leader of importance in the list.  As the chief of the Scribes until the crucifixion, he was committed both to zealotry and eastern views.  The successor to Judas the Galilean, he was called "Satan" , and under this name debated with Jesus at the Temptations.   On this occasion (which took place near Mird, the Wilderness), they were together  working out the differences within the newly-formed anti-Baptist party.   Showing Jesus a map of the world as it was then known, he said: "If you worship me , it will all be yours."  The concealed meaning was: If you will accept me as Priest and Pope, I will make you King."

     Jesus replied: "you shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve".  He is declaring his support for the head of the peace faction, Jonathan."  Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls --- page 78, 80, 81.

December, 32 AD  

      "The three zealot leaders, Simon Magus (Pope), Judas Iscariot (his Second), and Theudas (Barabbas) led the uprising of nationalists.  They were structured as a triarchy of Priest, Prophet, and King, and in their minds they formed a reproduction of the triumvirate that had formerly ruled Rome.   When their protest failed and their followers were routed, they themselves escaped, but had to go into hiding.   Theudas-Barabbas had blood on his hands; he had killed a Roman soldier, "committed murder in the uprising".

     "From this time, Pilate's orders were to find and round up the zealot triarchy; if he suceeded in this, he would gain credit for having put down a constant source of harassment of the Romans."

Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls --- page 97, 98     Notes: page 420 #2 Luke 13:1  Ant. 18:55-59, 62   #3 Mark 15:7

March 19, 33 AD (Thursday)

     "In the reproduction "Jerusalem", [at Qumran] , the "Mount of Olives" was the monastery building east of the aqueduct.   After the Last Supper Jesus with his companions went across to the building, then turned down to the area of the divided cistern south of the monastery wall."

     "There were two hours to wait until midnight, when the test for Simon Magus and his associates would come.  Jesus had given evidence of support for Simon [the raising of Lazarus story], and was known to endorse western ways and the Julian calendar [this midnight was the proper time]; Theudas-Barabbas also was in the same party, as a close associate of the tetrarch Antipas."

     "If heaven favored Jesus at this time, the sign would come in the place in which he was most identified, the meeting hall of villagers.   Both married men and Gentiles were of this rank, and the hall had been built in the place where they assembled when they came to Qumran as pilgrims."

    "Jesus, coming to the doorway, said to John Mark, "Sit here", then took Peter, James, and John inside the hall.   During the next two hours he wrestled with the question of his loyalties.  He was not really on the side of the Magus; he had merely given him personal friendship.  It would be a betrayal of his own political position if he was arrested and tried as a zealot.  His political sympathies actually lay with Annas, who had also come into the village hall for the midnight vigil.  For a time, Jesus turned to him for support, submitting to him, and praying to him as the Father. (Mark 14:35-39)   Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls --- page 108, 109

March 19, 33 AD (Thursday)

6 PM                                            The evening communal meal

                                                      begins, in the vestry

                                                     (Mark  14:17,  Matt. 26:20, John


7 PM                                            Jesus blesses the fermented wine,

                                                     the common drink

                                                     (Luke  22:17)

8 PM                                           Jesus is permitted to officiate at

                                                     the  communion,

                                                    as he has  returned to the celibate


                                                    As  he breaks the bread, he  gives it

                                                      symbolic meaning

                                                    (Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19, Matt


9 PM                                           The cup of sacred wine is blessed

                                                     Luke 22:20).

                                                     Judas leaves, to send a

                                        message to

                                        Pilate in Jerusalem that the

                                        wanted men are

                                        at Qumran  (John 13:30)                                           

9:05 PM                                      Peter moves down from the

                                                      prince's seat to the eastern 

                                                    deacon's seat, so he can now

                                                     converse with Jesus (John

                                                     13:36, Luke 22:24-29).  For the

                                                     remainder of the hour

                                                    Jesus  conducts discussion by

                                                    question and answer

                                                    (John 13: 36-14:31, Luke 22:31-38).

10 PM                                         At the close of the session, they

                                                     sing a hymn and go

                                                    out to the  east side of the

                                                     monastery building

                                                    (John 14:31, Mark 14:26,  Matt


These events occurred during a time-correction routine at Qumran quite similar to that gone through in our country when we switch between Standard time and Daylight saving time, but in this case three hours were "jumped" not just one!

10 PM old time 1 AM new time-- For the next two hours, Jesus 

                                                      spends time both with

                                                     John   within the monastery

                                                    grounds, and with Peter

                                                    in the outer  hall for villagers.  On

                                                     the hour,

                                                    he offers prayers to  Jonathan

                                                    Annas.  He accepts

                                                    Jonathan's direction  concerning

                                                   the cup of poison

                                                   (Mark 14:32-38, Matt. 26: 36-41,

                                                    Luke 22:41-42)

                                                    He rejoins John Mark and gives 

                                                    the teaching 

                                                    in John 15:1-


11 PM old time 2 AM new time -- He says another prayer (Mark

                                                     14:29, Matt. 26:42)

                                                     He rejoins John Mark and gives

                                                     the teaching  in

                                                     John 16:1-33

March 20, 33 AD (Good Friday)

Midnight ----    3 AM new time -- Jesus says the midnight 3 AM

                                                       prayer, saying  " the hour

                                                      is come".  It is the Julian

                                                      beginning (true time) of Sam 31st 

                                                      eq position, SS3969.  If  a

                                                      Restoration [of Israel] is to come

                                                      for Jesus  and Simon Magus it

                                                      should come now.  There is 

                                                      no fulfillment [of the Essene

                                                      prophecy supported by Jesus],

                                                      and both Simon and Jesus as the

                                                      King are left without 

                                                      political support (John 17:1-26,

                                                      Matt 26:44) 

                                                          An alternative triarchy arrives

                                                       in the outer hall to take over

                                                      (John 18:1-11, Mark 14:43-50,

                                                      Luke  22:47-53, Matt 26:


                                                       Simon Magus is arrested as a

                                                       false prophet, condemned, 

                                                       defrocked, and confined in the

                                                        monastery building, "the  

                                                        (Potter's) field".  (Mark 14:1-52,


1 AM old time 4 AM new time--    Jesus, as a second leader under

                                                         Hellenist rules, is tried 

                                                        next ----

5 AM old time  8 AM new time -- Pilate arrives from Jerusalem (40

                                                        km, 200 stadia, 2 1/2

                                                       hours by horse, horse rate 80 st

                                                       per hour)  He tries and

                                                       condemns Simon Magus.

6 AM old time 9 AM new time -- The tetrarch Antipas offers a

                                                       bribe for Theudas.

                                                      Judas ("this man") is tried in

                                                      his place.   Jesus is heard

                                                      also,   defined as the third man,

                                                      the King, and made to wait

                                                      (John 18:31-38, Mark 15:1-5,

                                                      Luke 23:1-10, Matt. 27:1-2, 11-


7 AM old time 10 AM new time -- Pilate becomes a member [of

                                                      the Essenes]  by a token

                                                      washing of hands, in order to

                                                      receive the bribe.  He announces

                                                      that Theudas-Barrabas is to

                                                      be released, and Judas

                                                      to hang. (John  18:38-40,

                                                      Mark 15:6-15, Matt. 27:15-25, 

                                                      Luke 23:13-19.

                                                         AGRIPPA  mocks Jesus' claim

                                                      to be king in his place,

                                                      dressing him in the purple of a

                                                      king-bishop, and putting on

                                                      him the ascetic crown of thorns

                                                      worn by Jonathan Annas

                                                      (Stephen "the crown", and the

                                                      Thorn, in the flesh).

                                                      (John 19:2-5, Mark 15:16-20,

                                                      Matt. 27:27-30)

8 AM old time 11 AM new time -- Independent trial of Jesus.  No

                                                       bribe is offered for him,

                                                       and he is condemned.  (John

                                                       19:8-12, Luke  23:20-21)'

Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls --- page 237-241

How and why Judas "Hanged Himself"