Silence at Midnight!    

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 Sleeping in the Camp


of the Three Angels!

"at even" (6 PM)

Deepening darkness for Adventists  after 1888

"Midnight" (12 PM)
First 3 angels' messages - 

"Essene Gospel" 1844 

Protestant reformation affirmed 1847 - 1888

7th day Sabbath - 1847

4th angel, clearest representation of Saturn, reaping actually happens atomic bomb - 1945

7th angel, (not represented in Rev 14)

World Trade Center 9-11-2001


Cockcrowing (3 AM)

 5th and 6th angels - 1987-1994 (Rapture Trib)

"Morning" (6 AM) 



Sleeping at Midnight!

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        The "Everlasting Gospel" that William Miller and later the Seventh-day Adventists thought they were preaching, but were not -- at least not after 1888, was the "Gospel" of Good Works, of which Seventh-day Sabbath-keeping and Vegetarianism is a substantial part.   But by going back to a Trinitarian theology, and not continuing study along the lines that led them to see Jesus as a fellow human being and a Jewish High Priest, most Adventists became a substantial part of the Sleeping Virgins of another of Jesus' parables.

     Matthew 25:1 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto TEN VIRGINS, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

      2 "And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.  3 "They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them (no continued study, no attention to significant world events):---"

     4 "But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps (continued to study, and paid attention to what was going on in the world, but more particularly so, what was going on in Israel)."

     5 "While the bridegroom tarried, THEY ALL SLUMBERED AND SLEPT."

     6 "And AT MIDNIGHT there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.  7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

     8 "And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; (enthusiasm perhaps, your study, perhaps not!), for our lamps are gone out."

     9 "But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. (study your Bibles, read your newspapers, WAKE UP!)"

    10 "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came (to Israel, not to the Christians); and they that were ready (the Pentecostals and Evangelicals) went in with him (celebrated the rebirth of Israel as a nation) to the marriage: and the door was shut.  (a phrase that has special meaning in Adventist history).

     11 "Afterward came also the other virgins (from the sleeping three angels' camp), saying, Lord, Lord, open to us."  12 "But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not."

      13 "Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." Note that Jesus had already come when he said this.  He had come in the second "Watch" ---- at midnight!


What the Millerites and Seventh-day Adventists DID NOT SEE in the First Thee Angels' Messages (and should have!)

        The First Angel's Message is a three-step message, but to discover this, one must compare it with the corresponding portion of Matthew 24 and Mark 13.  Indeed there's a hint here that this gospel is very old.  Indeed even older than the Christian Gospel.   The "everlasting" gospel, which is the Jewish gospel.  A gospel of "good works", not Paul's gospel of substitution of Christ's good works for our "bad works", which are as "filthy rags".  

      You will notice that when Ellen White saw Jesus, he was clothed as a Jewish high priest, not in white.   And performing the Yom Kipper ceremony, which must be performed every year, not once for all eternity, as Adventists after 1888 began to teach.    The "hour of his judgment" is the Yom Kippur ceremony, so although William Miller did not pick up on this before the "great disappointment", it was there for Hiram Edson to see after Yom Kipper of 1844 went by without the earth being destroyed by fire as Miller expected and taught. 

     "Yom Kipper" does not destroy the earth but gives the Jews another chance.   This new chance for the Jews did not occur for another 101 years, but of course Seventh-day Adventists never taught this, although they had enough information to do so in Ellen's first two visions, had they been clever enough to "decode" these messages.


The Promise of John 14:1-3

was to the Essenes listening to Jesus, not to the Millerites


    Although Ellen White's associates did not really understand that the "Everlasting Gospel" was not the Pauline Gospel, she encouraged them along the road to "Good Works", not faith in a Trinitarian belief in "Jesus as God".  And her initial success along these lines was enough to accomplish what Jesus had set out to accomplish, fulfill his promise of John 14:1-3 to his Essene associates.   That he would launch out into the future, and in some way or other carry them into the future with him.   Which he did by teaching Ellen White what she needed to know to convert a large group of 19th century Christians (Sunday-keeping, pork-eating, cigarette-smoking, and snuff-snorting Christians) into vegetarian Sabbath-keeping Essenes.   After two quite truthful and outstandingly accurate visions (when interpreted properly), Ellen's later visions and dreams became more mundane and adapted to her audience's needs and prejudices, but that does not mean Jesus did not willingly participate in this subterfuge.    

 Adventists placed in a

Hypnotic Trance by Jesus

     The very group of people that repeatedly accused Ellen Harmon as a teenager of having visions as the result of hypnotic suggestion ("Mesmerism" it was called in those days) was later convinced by one of Ellen White's dreams, followed by more specific written instructions by her, to become so "hypnotized" themselves that virtually the whole church nowadays remains impervious to any new religious ideas or instructions.   Indeed those who claim to be in the camp of the "Three Angels" are sleeping so soundly that the idea that there are 4 more angels in this series will appear to be totally new and strange to them, even if one were to point each one out to them in their individual Bibles. 

Early Writings page 44 (last paragraph)

   "Satan (the "adversary" and espouser of new religious ideas not sanctioned by a now long-dead Ellen G. White) was trying (in Ellen's visions) his every art to hold them (the wavering Adventists) where they were (undecided), until the sealing (an attitude of permanent prejudice and closed-mindedness) was past (forever accomplished), until the covering (another term describing this prejudice and closed-mindedness) was drawn over God's people, (Seventh-day Adventists, and Seventh-day Adventists only), and it will soon (before 1945) be drawn over all who are to have a shelter in the day of slaughter (the Word Wars and the Jewish holocaust).  God will work in power for His people (now the Jews, not Adventists); and Satan (the espouser of religious views neither Ellen White's nor Adventist) will be permitted to work also."

Next: Still Sleeping!

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Beginning of VOCABULARY Series

Page 2, PARALLELISM with Isaiah 66

Page 3, The Fig Tree blossoms in Israel

Page 4, the identity of the last 4 angels