META NAME="Key Words"="Revelation 11, 12, Jesus' Crucifixion as a plot, Jesus' Bar Mizveh."> Revelation 11,12 Personal History Events of Jesus Christ New Page 2



 CHAPTERS 11, 12






as revealed by the "Gospel Pesher" Codes



Some parts excerpted from "Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls"

by Dr. Barbara Thiering, PhD, but mostly --

as interpreted by

Dr. Robert F. Holt, MD


Rev. 11, 12

Personal History of Jesus

Revelation Chapter 11, the “Two Witnesses”

      Jesus is using Ezekiel’s description of the ideal temple, and Zechariah 4:1 as a pattern for Revelation 11, with a lot of imagery from other places in the Old Testament also.   But the pattern that will prevail during the next several chapters is the 3 ½ years or 42 months of Jesus’ reign as an Essene Messiah.   Into these chapters will also be encoded other information only available to those who know “Gospel Pesher” and the real history of what Jesus did as an Essene Royal Messiah at Qumran.   In verse 2, the court which is outside the temple is “given unto the Gentiles:..” because Jesus and his party of Twelve Apostles made it easier for Gentiles and women to become Essenes during the period of forty-two months or 3 ½ years between the fall of 29 AD to the spring of 33 AD.   At which time Jesus was crucified at the time of the Essene Passover.

         Here the “Two Witnesses” are not the real Moses and Elijah, but a symbolic Moses and Elijah composed of Jesus and his political partner Simon Magus, also known as Zebedee.   In this case Zebedee was -“Moses” and Jesus -” Elijah”.  The numerological “proof” that Jesus is Elijah is the 3 ½ years of his “reign”, which is identical to the 3 ½ years of drought in the days of Elijah the prophet and King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. The Twelve Apostles were ruled over by three persons, not two, but the third ruler, Judas Iscariot, is here left out of the symbolism for obvious reasons.   As a traitor to the other two, and the only one who really died after the three were crucified, Judas “hanged himself” symbolically if not literally. 

        The plot of the story of the “Two Witnesses” of Revelation 11, is the story of the crucifixion in March of 33 AD.  In a highly symbolic form.

 The Real Identity of the “Two Witnesses”

        In  Revelation 11:3, the two witnesses prophesy “a thousand two hundred and threescore days (again 3 ½ years), clothed in sackcloth,…” because both Simon Magus and Jesus were lay Essenes, not priestly Essenes, and not eligible to wear priestly attire and live in the monastery.  Instead Simon Magus lived at Ain Feshkha with his consort Helena, and Jesus lived 3 Km. South of Ain Feshkha at Kherbit Mazin with other married Essenes including Peter and Andrew.  And James and John the “sons” of Zebedee.  Mary Magdalene lived at Kherbit Mazin also pretty nearly all the time between 29 AD and 33 AD.   Under circumstances well covered up in the Gospels.

        The two olive trees and two candlesticks of Rev. 11:4 are borrowed from Zechariah chapter 4, and in this case refer to Simon the Samaritan Priest and Jesus the Essene Messiah. The fire that proceeds out of Jesus’ mouth makes him a second Elijah in verse 5.  In verse 6, like Elijah, Jesus can stop storms from bringing rain.   An ability that is shown to be his in several Gospel stories.  And Simon Magus as a second Moses in verse 6 can turn waters into blood (a trick he could actually do according to historical records), and smite the earth with all plagues.   Simon Magus often made tours through Samaria putting on a Magic show that made him for those days a wealthy man.   Some of which money was turned over to the Essenes. 

The Beast from the Bottomless Pit is Rome,

and Sodom and Egypt is Qumran

         In verse 7, they  (Jesus and Simon) have finished their testimony, and are crucified.

“The beast from the bottomless pit (Roman soldiers under Pontius Pilate) shall make war against them, and kill them.” They are presumed dead and are not seen again publicly  from Friday morning until about Monday noon (3 ½ days). And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.(Rev. 11:8)  Here Sodom is Qumran, as being near the traditional site of Sodom at or near the Dead Sea.    And also Egypt, as the home of Theudas and the Egyptian Therapeautae, who rebuilt Qumran with the help of Jesus’ father Joseph after it was partly destroyed by an earthquake in the reign of Herod the Great. (destroyed 31 BC, reoccupied 11 BC).

       After the symbolically required 3 ½ days, Elijah and Moses (Jesus and Simon) are found to be alive, not dead.   And Revelation 11:9 betrays that they did not spend much of these 3 ½ days in graves.  “And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.” In Essene practice, excommunicated officials and members were considered to be “dead”, and actually Simon never even appeared to be dead, only excommunicated.  Jesus, on the other hand, appeared to be dead, having taken a deep sip of the drugged vinegar he had been offered on the cross.   (See John 19:30, 33-36). 

Those Who “Rejoiced”

       Revelation 11:10 “And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts to one another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.”   Jesus, while he survived crucifixion, never regained his position as an Essene Royal Messiah.  Simon, on the other hand, did become a “pope” at Qumran a few years later.  The gift that Herod Agrippa gave Pilate is mentioned in the Gospels.   It may have been a bribe. This is the correct interpretation, because Qumran was considered to be “heaven” during the Essene Passover festival being celebrated when Jesus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot were crucified.     “They that dwell on the earth..” include Pilate and the Herods and Caiaphas the high priest.   They are just visiting “heaven” for the festival, and celebrate their gifts, bribes, and the crucifixion and change of leadership at Qumran after they return to the real world of Jerusalem and Galilee. 

The Rejoicing turned to “Fear”!

         Revelation 11:11 “And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them (both Jesus and Simon), and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.   The “fear” here described is not fear of retribution from God or from the “two witnesses”, but admiration and respect, like the Biblical “fear” attributed to God.   Both Jesus Christ and Simon Magus became known in the Roman Empire and even beyond as two persons that had survived death by crucifixion.    Which made them “like God” in that they could not be killed.    A reputation for invincibility and immortality.   A reputation that both later exploited.

       Revelation 11:12 “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither.   And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.”    As in chapter four verse one, where this same call to “Come up hither,” occurs, a transition in time and place is here occurring.    Jesus again enters the “Most Holy” place, which we have already discovered includes a kingly position in Kashmir, India, and the use of a space-craft belonging to the Elohim and Lord Shiva, the premier god of India and the Hindus to this very day!   

 They Ascended in a “Cloud”

        The voice demanding Jesus and Simon Magus “come up hither”, is that of Lord Shiva.   The cloud is his spacecraft.   All involved in the crucifixion at Qumran learned, at least by word of mouth, of this miraculous occurrence.  And noted that the wounds of both were pretty nearly healed when they returned from the space-craft a few hours later.   Jesus’ quite severe wounds were so completely healed that he offered to show the scars of these healed wounds to anyone, but particularly to “doubting Thomas”.    One does not invite anyone and everyone to “thrust your hand” into an open wound, as did Jesus, unless indeed some miraculous healing has taken place.  (See Luke 24:39,40 and John 20:20, 25-28)

A Kashmiri Precedent

        In Kings of Kashmira, the official history of Kashmir written by Kahlana Pandita in the eleventh or twelfth century from old records of Kashmir, Sandhimati, who was the same person as Joseph, father of Jesus Christ, was also crucified.    This crucifixion probably occurred in Jerusalem around 18 AD, although its time and location are both unknown or “covered up"”in the Kashmiri story.    Rescued by Divine Beings (female in the Hindu story) Sandhimati’s body is reconstructed by these “angels” using parts of their own bodies.   Although this might have been exaggerated, and probably is, it is reasonable to assume that anything we can now do medically or surgically could have been done aboard the space-craft of the Elohim in 33 AD.  Including surgical replacement of body parts, skin-grafting, and enhanced healing with medicines and techniques perhaps as yet undiscovered by modern man.  

  Similar Modern Stories

        Abductees taken aboard modern UFOs have repeatedly reported not only impregnations by other-worldly creatures, but also operations in which tumors have been removed by unfamiliar instruments and techniques.    Even brain tumors have been removed in some of these stories, often related while the victims or beneficiaries (according to your viewpoint) were in deep hypnotic regressions.

 The Great Earthquake of Revelation 11 (and Matthew 27)

       Revelation 11:13 “And the same hour was a great earthquake (this in the Gospel accounts of the resurrection, a participation by Theudas, whose nickname was “Earthquake” in the events), and the tenth part of the city fell (the leadership of the lay Essenes was reorganized, with James the Just taking Jesus’ place and someone else elected to take Judas Iscariot’s place), and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand; and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.”

           The 7000 is incomprehensible or purely symbolic without a knowledge of the Qumran Essene numerical system for identifying people and groups.    The puzzle can be solved by knowing that Theudas  (“Earthquake”) represented a group of circumcised married Essenes  with a numerical value of 2000.   5000 still needed to equal the 7000.  We can discover that John of Zebedee represented, as one of the Twelve Apostles, the uncircumcised married Essenes.   John of Zebedee was the Roman Aquila, the co-author of Revelation, and married to Priscilla.   His numerical value in the Essene system was 5000.  Thus Theudas (who moved the stone imprisoning  Jesus in cave 8 after the crucifixion, and John of Zebedee, who helped Jesus write Revelation, have symbolically defected from the new Essene Government, (the 7000 slain or excommunicated), leaving the rest of the Essenes “affrighted”.   A little “way out”, but typical Essene lingo!

        To those more interested in a practical use for Revelation 11:13, its language is close enough to Matthew 27:51-53 that those who might not otherwise agree that Revelation chapter 11 is about Jesus’ death and resurrection at Qumran might see this parallelism between Revelation 11 and Matthew 27: 51-53 as the evidence that this is indeed so.  

 The Seventh Trumpet Sounds

         Because we note the transitional nature of Revelation 11:14, we are prepared to “jump” almost 2000 years and take up where we left off in the Seven Trumpets sequence, which is Yom Kippur of the year 1989.    Doing this we are right on target to interpret Revelation 11:15 as occurring literally in late 1989 and early 1990.

        Revelation 11:15 “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” This is the prophetic “marker” in Revelation of the “Rapture 88” religious movement.   The culmination of 40 years of preaching by Evangelical and Pentecostal preachers and would-be prophets of a Secret Rapture to occur on September 11-13 of 1988.    The last possible time for this to begin, at least as originally envisioned, was Yom Kippur of 1989.   An hour and a day and a month and a year later.  (See Revelation 9:15).   Locally, where I lived in Eastern North Carolina in 1989, this message was carried most loudly and forcefully by Edgar Wisenant and Jerry McLamb of Coats, North Carolina.   Jerry was setting new dates for the “Secret Rapture” to occur all during the year 1989.  But Christmas of 1988 was very high on the list of local expectations.  I wrote and sang several songs to this group mirroring their hopes that now the kingdom of God will be established in heaven and earth.  (Exactly the message of Revelation 11:15).

       Revelation 11:16 “And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats (the total leadership of the Essenes at Qumran, both lay Essenes and priestly Essenes) , fell on their faces, and worshipped God.” (In the context here, they are worshipping or paying respect to Lord Shiva, who has healed the crucified “Two Witnesses” Jesus and Simon Magus of their severe wounds in a matter of hours aboard his spaace-craft).  17 “Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come (the Time-Space Travels being engaged in by Jesus and Lord Shiva); because thou hast taken unto thee thy great power (“Great Power” was a nickname for the magician Simon Magus, as “Earthquake” was a nickname for Theudas), and hast reigned.”  And indeed Jesus, with Lord Shiva’s help and technical expertise, has reigned for 2000 years.  With good prospects of reigning much longer!

 Operation Desert Storm

        As those of us who can well remember this period, the euphoria the we experienced when the Berlin Wall was knocked down, and the Russian Communist Eastern Europe defected to the West country by country, beginning with Poland, was short-lived.   On the Eastern horizon loomed the specter of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

     Revelation 11:18 “And the (United) Nations were angry (about to be deprived of their industrial life-blood, oil), and thy wrath is come (the wrath of the United Nations), and the time of the dead (dead Kuwaitis), that they (Babylon, Iraq, Saddam Hussein) should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, (who were indeed being “rewarded” by events of apocalyptic proportions for the first time in 40 years of feverishly making predictions), and to the saints (the Israelis suffering fear and scud missile attacks from Saddam Hussein), and them that fear thy name, small and great; (everyone glued to their television sets for 18 hours a day – watching the “World about to End”, and expecting Armageddon, the “Mother of all battles – on live TV!), and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.”  And what we all saw on TV was destroyed buildings, burning cars with partly cremated corpses, burning oil wells all over Kuwait, dead fishes and birds floating in a giant oil slick in the Persian Gulf, and by the Spring of 1991, Saddam Hussein forced out of Kuwait and into a truce with continued UN sanctions and weapons inspections.

  The Temple of God “Opened”

       As in many of these Revelation presentations, events occur sequentially during the presentation, and we should look for the most modern events to be last.   And so it is with the last verse of Revelation chapter 11. Which began for me in the 1988-1989 time frame, gathered speed in the spring of 1995, but was only fulfilled in the “open door” events of 1997 to December of 2002.

      Revelation 11:19 “And the temple of God was opened in (Kashmir) heaven, and there was seen in his temple (the true meaning of) the ark of his testament (the “Gospel Pesher” and Bible Computer Codes, the present communication with Divine Beings): and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.” (All these things can be caused by Lord Shiva and his space-ship, in which often rides Jesus Christ, alias King Meghavahana before 59 AD, and King Pravarasena after 59 AD).  And we will continue to get more documentation of this Divine-Human partnership as Revelation continues.

 Rev. Chapter 12  

The Woman Clothed with the Sun

      When I began this presentation I informed my readers and hearers that I would separate the real gems from the dross.   The magical gems of paste and glass, placed in gilded settings over two thousand years of church councils and idle speculation.   Now we have reached Revelation chapter 12 and are in for a big surprise.    The woman clothed with the Sun of Revelation is not the Virgin Mary or the Roman Catholic Church, as its adherents have for so long supposed, but Wisdom, Sophia, or Barbelo, as various groups have called “her”, the primordial Goddess.   The early Catholic councils in the 4th Century AD thought they had killed this “Goddess” and there she stands, almost as big as life.    So large that she can be clothed by the sun, and stand on the moon.    Here we are in the middle of Gnostic Theology, the religion of Jesus and John Mark. And the Elohim!

      Revelation 12:1 “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.”  Although the primary application here is that this is to be the birth of Jesus, the overwhelming imagery here is of Wisdom or Barbelo, the original Creator Goddess of Gnostic fame.    In the Gnostic literature Wisdom or Barbelo gave birth to both Yahweh and Jesus, who are brothers, not Father and Son.     Both are ‘gods” but not necessarily “good gods”.  They make mistakes, and create evil angels and an evil world.    All this is part of the Gnostic explanation for a world on which everything eats or destroys everything else, and where only the fittest (in terms of strength and ferocity) rule over the rest.   One must understand this Gnostic world-view to make any sense of Revelation 12.

     Revelation 12:3 ”And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. “  Were this the entire description, the usual explanation would be sufficient.  That Joazar,  the “High Priest” at Jerusalem who declared Jesus to be illegitimate is this dragon.  Or that Rome with its seven hills and ten Caesars or kings is the dragon.  But no, the next verse shows this is not the ultimate meaning.

       Revelation 12:4 “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.”  Although turned into Satan in most modern theologies, by going back to the now available once more Gnostic books plentiful in the days of Jesus and John Mark (and actually the religion of Simon Magus, one of the “Two Witnesses” of Revelation 11) we can see clearly that the dragon is Ialdabaoth, the villainous god seen as controlling the earth and skies by the Gnostics.   But people nowadays have either forgotten or never knew that Ialdabaoth and Yaweh were considered by Gnostics to be one and the same Divine and Powerful Person!

       Surely Ialdabaoth or Yahweh would want to destroy his baby brother, Jesus Christ, as a potential threat to his evil reign of arbitrary rule and senseless bloodshed!    And now we can see why Jesus has directly preceded this chapter with the verse mentioning the Ark of the Covenant.  (Rev. 11:19)  The “his testament” is here the 10 Rules of Jehovah or Yahweh, which uphold his “reign of terror” over the earth!   He is a “jealous God” who allows “no other gods” to even be mentioned.    Nor any pictures or statues made that might be admired, worshipped, or imagined to be helpful in worship!     Yahweh failed to destroy Jesus at his birth, and as soon as he reached manhood, Jesus began liberalizing these 10 arbitrary rules, and eventually supplanted the worship of Yahweh in a large part of the world with a kinder and gentler religion, Christianity.

     Revelation 12: 5 “And she (Wisdom or Barbelo) brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (by means of the power of Pagan then Ecclesiastical Rome): and her child (as King Meghavahana and Pravarasena of Kashmir) was caught up (seen riding around in a UFO) unto God (Lord Shiva), and to his throne.” (in Kashmir, not Judea).

      The rest of chapter 12 gives a blow by blow description of the war between Orthodox Theology and Gnostic Theology, with Gnostic Theology almost completely suppressed, and Orthodox Pauline Christianity the victor up until the very end of the Age of Pisces.  But suddenly, at Dag Hammadi in Egypt, and Qumran in the Judean Desert, Gnostic documents, thought to be completely destroyed in the days of Constantine and Theodosius, started reappearing and are now read again by thoughtful scholars.

      Revelation 12:17 “And the dragon (now Ecclesiastical Rome and her Protestant puppets) was wroth with the woman (the reappearing Goddess and the Wisdom she represents), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, (the reemerging Gnostic and New Age believers), which keep the commandments of God (Wisdom not Yahweh), and have the testimony of (the Gnostic) Jesus Christ.”

Revelation Chapter 1          Revelation 2-3 Letters to the 7 Churches