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A PROPHECY FOR 2012 updated now in 2014


 Isaiah, one of Israel's

greatest prophets, wrote of an age when

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."

Ellen Harmon (White) who began 

her visionary career as a teen-ager, wrote

in Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers page 116,

  "The lips of children  will be opened to proclaim the mysteries that have been hidden from the minds of men. "

"We are standing on the threshold  of great and solemn events. Many of the prophecies are about to be fulfilled in quick succession."

"Bernadette" a teen-age Catholic prophetess

The Fatima Shepherd Children's Prophecies

 Pastor Charles Wheeling's 


shows War 

not a Second Coming!

     The blackboard reads "mideast war -- then economic collapse". And the accompanying time-line indicator reads 3 1/2 years.  Well, since Pastor Wheeling has been drawing this same diagram for a number of years now, based of course on the 1290 days and the "time, times, and dividing of times" of Daniel, he is confident that sooner or later conditions  in the world will match his blackboard diagram.    And now, due to some information that became available to me on Thursday evening, December 15, 2011, I am going to say that except for a "Mideast War" between the US and Israel pitted against Iran, his prediction is essentially correct.  And even this "Mideast War" seems to be looming ever darker on the horizon as Iran is poised to rush in to take the place of the US soldiers President Obama has called home from Iraq. 

       We have been in a state of "Economic Collapse" since before Barak Obama was elected president, and we are now 3  years into Obama's presidency.   This should cause someone to pay attention.  And indeed his Republican opponents are paying attention, but not, of course, expecting texts in Daniel to read like their morning newspaper, like Charles Wheeling has been expecting ever since reading that this will occur  a number of years ago in one of Ellen White's books or published articles.   

       Now I know something that Charles Wheeling does not know, because Ellen White did not know it, and therefore Seventh-day Adventists do not know it, for a very good reason.   Jesus and his angels, who communicated often with Ellen G. White, prevented her on purpose from paying much attention to what was going on in Israel, the real Israel in the Mid-east, but allowed Ellen, who was  not bright enough to figure this out, to think that the Seventh-day Adventist church was the "Israel" frequently referred to in her visions.

     EARLY WRITINGS page 75 "Then I was pointed to some who are in the GREAT ERROR of believing that it was their duty to go to Old Jerusalem, and think they have a work to do there before the Lord comes.  Such a view is calculated to take the mind and interest from the PRESENT WORK of the Lord, under the message of the third angel; for those who think they are yet to go to Jerusalem, will have their minds there, and their means will be withheld from the cause of PRESENT TRUTH, to get themselves and others there."

     "I saw that such a mission would accomplish no real good, that it would take a long while to make a very few of the Jews believe even in the first advent of Christ, much more to believe in his second advent."

     "I also saw that Old Jerusalem NEVER WOULD BE BUILT UP; and that Satan was doing his utmost to lead the minds of the CHILDREN OF THE LORD into these things NOW, in the gathering time, to keep them from throwing their WHOLE INTEREST into the PRESENT WORK of the Lord, and to cause them to neglect the NECESSARY PREPARATION for the 

Day of the Lord."

"Progressive" Inspiration of Ellen White

"The DEATH Decree"


       Ellen White had a work to do quite specific for the time in which she lived and worked, the late 19th and very early 20th centuries. What she referred to as the "Present Truth" for this time, and the "Present Work" for this time was indeed what she, and the people she wrote for, needed to focus their attention on.   But there came a time, a time that Ellen White indeed predicted in her very first important vision, when her listeners and followers, through no fault of Ellen White's, abandoned her earlier messages, and "fell off" the path they were on.   At that time, which happened to be after her death in 1915,  the real Israel, the one in the Mid-east again became the focus of the attention of Jesus and His angels.   And at that time, what had formerly been labeled by Jesus "Present Truth" and "Present Work" became instead "Old Truth" and "Old Work".    Seventh-day Adventists were completely BLIND to this change and relatively DEAF to the new emphasis, and were LEFT BEHIND as they dwelt on prophetic subjects now out-of-date and irrelevant to the rest of the religious world.

       Ellen White did predict both the Jewish Holocaust and the Pentecostal Revival that followed the United Nation's Mandate that allowed the declaration of a New Sovereign Nation of Israel, but not in terms recognized by either her or her readers.   And contrary to what she wrote on EARLY WRITINGS page 75,  "Old Jerusalem" was indeed "built up".   She also predicted, correctly, that the time would come when those still carefully studying "Daniel" would see what was predicted in that book as "Headlines" in their current newspapers.

      And so millions of people all over the world saw as headlines in their newspapers something that Ellen White thought and prophesied they would never see.  But, wrote Ellen White, if those of us alive and paying attention will still study the Book of Daniel, we'll see again, "in the last days", other things in our newspapers that Daniel predicted.    For such things to startle us, and really get our attention, they must match, it seems to me, almost the exact words and phrases Daniel used.   In a word, OBVIOUS with little or no interpretation.    Given a talent for "interpretation", some of us can rephrase almost any Bible text to suit our present whims and support our present agenda.   This is not, I presume, what Ellen the prophet is talking about here.   She's talking about something coming on in the near future that even a child or dyslexic can see as "words, names, or happenings" right out of the Book of Daniel so obvious that anyone can see they match.

     Daniel 10 and 11 contain so much history from the time of the Maccabees, phrased in ambiguous language, that taken cafeteria-style out of context can support lots of modern rulers, but that's not what we're talking about here.   We're talking obvious not ambiguous letter-by-letter correspondence with the exception, I believe, of a letter or so "out of place", or changing an adjective into a noun, using anagrams, or a similar minor manipulation.   And once we do this, Obama and the period of 2008 to 2012 fits exactly the wording of Daniel 12: 10-13, which is the END of Daniel's book and we can realistically infer the "TIME OF THE END."

Help from Jesus Himself

       If, indeed, Jesus and His angels helped Ellen White see what she saw in her visions, we can expect Him to point out somewhere in Daniel where we should concentrate our attention to find Obama's name, his period of dominance, and what's wrong with what he's doing and not doing.   So we look at Christ's own most famous prophecy, Matthew chapter 24, and there it is, staring us right in the face!  Matthew 24:15 - 22. A text that contains Obama's NAME in its very first verse, and tells us, incredibly, what we need to do to survive in 2012, and hints that we will indeed survive this pestilence.  We're talking partially ISOLATION techniques in this text!

      Daniel 12:11 "And from the TIME that the daily sacrifice (routine daily activities) shall be taken away (become impractical or hazardous to your health), and the ABOMI (rearrange as OBAMI and substitute A for the I = OBAMA) + NATION (the USA is that "nation" between 2008 and 2012) that maketh desolate (economic recession, no jobs, mortgage melt-down, then avian flu epidemic) set up (by Obama's inauguration), there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days (3 1/2 years).  A recipe for "the date", the summer of 2012.

       Emphasis by repetition, followed by WHAT TO DO (isolation).

      Matthew 24:15 "When ye therefore shall see (because Obama has been inaugurated) the ABOMI (rearrange as OBAMI and substitute A for I = OBOMA) + NATION (the USA is that "nation" between 2008 and 2012) of desolation (economic recession, no jobs, mortgage melt-down, then avian flu epidemic), spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (appear to be a new "Messiah"), (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 

"Obama Nation" a 2008 book by Jerome Corsi 

whose title was based on the similarity with the


      16 "Then let them which be in Judea (cities like New York) flee unto the mountains (seek out more rural places):--"

      17 "Let him which is on the housetop  not come down to take any thing out of his house (fomites, contaminated articles) :---"

      18 "Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.  (which may be contaminated as well).

      19 "And woe unto them that are with child, and to them which give suck in those days!"  (babies, children, pregnant women, the obese, the ill, and the elderly will make up most of the 50% + that will die, and not survive this viral epidemic).

      20 "But pray ye that your flight (on foot, or automobile, an airline flight could be lethal) be not in the winter (immunity down, easy to catch respiratory diseases), neither on the Sabbath day (church is where a lot of diseases are spread).

  21 "For there shall be GREAT TRIBULATION (read that "Pestilence", besides ongoing environmental disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, and fires), such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time (a completely new, human- engineered virus, for which there may be no previously acquired immunity), no, nor ever shall be (until, of course, the survivors do it again).

       22 "And except those days should be shortened (by a new vaccine, new anti-flu medicine, or radical isolation measures), there shall no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake (the "elect" here being those who survive, not the members of any particular sect or religious group), those days shall be shortened."



     16 "Then let them which be in Judea (cities like New York) flee unto the mountains (seek out more rural places):--"

      17 "Let him which is on the housetop  not come down to take any thing out of his house (fomites, contaminated articles) :---"

      18 "Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.  (which may be contaminated as well).

      19 "And woe unto them that are with child, and to them which give suck in those days!"  (babies, children, pregnant women, the obese, the ill, and the elderly will make up most of the 50% + that will die, and not survive this viral epidemic).

      20 "But pray ye that your flight (on foot, or automobile, an airline flight could be lethal) be not in the winter (immunity down, easy to catch respiratory diseases), neither on the Sabbath day (church is where a lot of diseases are spread).

       21 "For there shall be GREAT TRIBULATION (read that "Pestilence", besides ongoing environmental disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, and fires), such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time (a completely new, human-engineered virus, for which there may be no previously acquired immunity), no, nor ever shall be (until, of course, the survivors do it again).

       22 "And except those days should be shortened (by a new vaccine, new anti-flu medicine, or radical isolation measures), there shall no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake (the "elect" here being those who survive, not the members of any particular sect or religious group), those days shall be shortened."

    Obviously, I cannot claim to be particularly clever or original in discovering the similarity in the sound pattern of saying "Obama Nation" and "Abomination", but I may indeed be the first to notice that Jesus Christ chose to emphasize this particular phrase in Daniel 12:11 in Matthew 24:15.   And scores of others on the Internet who are worried about Barak Obama's background and motives have made much of this similarity of sound pattern besides Jerome Corsi. the author of the above book.   I'll give 3 more examples here.

        Nostradamus' Obama-Nation!



Page 1: The Wise will UNDERSTAND Daniel 12:10!

Page 2: What the "Wicked" do not UNDERSTAND!

Page 3: Pastor Charles Wheeling's "Holy Grail"

Page 4: "Time of Trouble" NOT a "Second Coming"

 Page 5: "The Angel of Death" and "The Birds."

Page 6: "Like reading it in the NEWSPAPER headlines!

NEXT: Page 7: "CONTAGION" the Final Pestilence!